Yeah it was Travis Wood:
Yeah it was Travis Wood:
Well he has to say that. It’s like a challenge for these guys. I remember a couple of years ago with the bullpen was still outdoors at Wrigley Field the Cubs relief pitchers played a game to see who could avoid flinching when a foul ball came their way and I remember someone taking one right off the knee. Wood maybe.
Boy I dunno...I feel like they’re relatively honest in the way they go about things, or at least they don’t deny being total scum. The noble mission and good intentions in academia really give a lot of people like this guy a pass to never interrogate any of their bullshit.
Okay. Still looks like corporate bet-hedging. Gonna go out on a limb and guess a lot of those companies were donating to every candidate and in much greater amounts.
Serious question: Are those corporations or are those just donations from people who work at those companies?
A big 0l’ bruise.
“A mob of pissed off young nerds.”
I don’t think anyone fully appreciates the level of coordination it takes to pull that off so perfectly and simultaneously.
Those wristbands they give you to open your hotel room door and pay for stuff are basically designed to make you lose track of your spending. They are very cool and convenient for a lot of things at the parks, but use your cards or cash instead of paying with those.
I had been under the impression that he was REALLY unhappy being stuck doing Marvel movies, so I was surprised he even survived Ragnarok.
Well don’t fuckin narc!
Well I’m 30 and a coach cheated to win a game of slowpitch baseball against my team when I was like ten. Umpire lost track of the score and he just went ahead and added an extra run so they would be tied and we lost in the 11th inning or something. It was just fucking rec league too.
Good question. You know, their whole deal is claiming that they’re all about family and heritage and whatnot, so I think it’s got to be a part of that. Announcing your heritage or whatever by pointing out that you have your grandfather’s name in the middle of yours or whatever the fuck.
Yeah you pretty much just have to tell the university that you can’t afford it and they’ll waive it
Bowel cancer is like a 60-some odd percent survival rate over 5 years, but it REALLY depends on when its caught. Fortunately it isn’t especially difficult medically to remove portions of the bowel. But when it spreads from there you’re pretty much done for.
Someone else posted a screenshot that has the twitter person who found it. Thank that guy.
I mean in fairness that’s basically me every time I go to the gym.
Italian ones, yeah.
Oh my god. Found on Twitter. He did actually workout in preparation for May Day
Well that’s where we disagree. I don’t see that as an easy clear situation and clearly he didn’t either. Like you said, he plays for Bayern so I’m inclined to give him some measure of the benefit of the doubt.