I’m not saying it was totally a work on their part to avoid controversy, I just can understand why they wouldn’t take the risk even when independent doctors cleared him at that time (as I recall) given the context of the time.
I’m not saying it was totally a work on their part to avoid controversy, I just can understand why they wouldn’t take the risk even when independent doctors cleared him at that time (as I recall) given the context of the time.
I always had the sense (maybe wrong) that they were trying to avoid controversy around concussions that was flaring hugely around then by barring him from competing even though he could physically go.
Sister Jean can fuck off what does she know?
Sister Jean is going to smoke their asses.
Meanwhile, Chuck Schumer basically refused to keep the rest of his caucus in line in order to NOT give them enough votes to actually do this. Harry Reid blocked this shit forever. Chuck just let it happen.
Wow weird who could have predicted that?
This is a town, for the record, that used to actively bar Jews from moving there. The only good thing about it is the comic book store I used to go to in high school. And there’s a pretty good Mexican restaurant.
Cat because there’s not a goddamned thing I could do to stop her.
Bluegrass is what happens when you mix Scots-Irish hillbillies and black slaves, so I dunno if that’s the best example.
How are you going to bury the Steve Kerr lede like that?
Yeah, I think that’s what got me. I came quite late to video games, so my first FF game was 7, and then I played 8, so when 9 came through and it was an actual fantasy with likeable characters (fucking Squall [”Hey guys what if we do Cloud but without any of the character development over the course of the game?”]) I…
Huh. Go figure. I’ve seen it, I liked it, I guess I’m just surprised to find out people think that much of it. Seemed competent but not really special to me. The thing I remember most about it is Dennis from Always Sunny getting waxed.
Is the Strangers really that iconic?
I mean he’ll probably be around town. I used to see him on the Blue Line.
Absolutely. This just seems to be a little less heavy on black and shadows than Darkest Dungeon. I could be imagining that.
I dunno. I’m having a hard time finding a named artist, but it looks JUST different enough to me to read as imitation. A pretty good imitation to be sure, but imitation.
I dunno I read it kind of the same way. Like she didn’t care about the pomp and circumstance of the drum roll. But I’m also perfectly willing to believe I’m projecting because I hope this all turns out well for her.
It usually is. The human body just isn’t meant to be that big. I don’t want to be dark but you see the same sort of thing with Great Danes. They don’t live as long as most dog breeds because they have a bunch of health problems that are almost entirely related to their size.
Gotta wonder if they thought he was faking. Shit maybe he was.