Commander Spicer

Honestly don’t know that he ever had to do it. Ross obviously didn’t have the arm that Contreras had but their timing was so good together than you pretty much couldn’t run on him then, even if Ross had to run all the way out to the mound.

I think my wondering about this comes from Curt Schilling and the bloody sock game. WHAT WAS HE GONNA DO IF YOU BUNTED IT AT HIM? But nobody did.

That’s true. You risk your fucking skull if you try to bunt yourself to first on Contreras.

I always wondered why every batter doesn’t just bunt. Fuck is he gonna do about it?

Sort of fail to see how it would matter if I could. It’s a comment section. Would it change your life in any measurable or meaningful way? Why should I waste my time on you?

Conservatism isn’t a religion or a culture. It’s a political preference.

“He even got to keep his wife” sounds a little odd, to say the least.


You sound a little defensive, my dude.

Yeah and none of that shit goes on in Canada, I’m sure.

Arguably the most bad faith thing you could do when you live in the sort of societies that we do, with the institutional and structural racism baked into them, is act like you’re completely non-racist. You may recall I freely admitted to being racist myself on the basis of living in and benefiting from the privilege

Bullshit. Proper conservatism has been allied with racist dogwhistle politics since at least Reagan and Thatcher. Everyone knew what he meant when he talked about welfare queens. Again, just because you aren’t saying the n word and you have non-white friends doesn’t mean you and your intellectual tradition don’t have

If it makes you feel any better I’d absolutely call myself a racist too due to structural deficiencies in our bullshit system. Sorry. Maybe you’re the type who just likes having low taxes, but if you can’t see how that’s been allied with and aided by racism since the dawn of this country, I’m gonna do my best to make

The American right wing has basically gone from slavers to Jim Crow-ers to the people who call twelve year olds thugs after they get shot by police, so I mean...just cause you don’t sing the quiet part loud doesn’t mean you aren’t part of the same song.

Weinstein or Kirchick, cause that cunt is in there too.

I mean of course my wife knows I watch porn just like I know she does but our sexual relationship is such that porn doesn’t really cross paths with our bedroom and each of our habits in that regard is basically private. I have some idea of what she watches but apart from that I don’t know much so it’s hard to say how

You know, I’ve always kind of wondered about this, because I find that my taste in porn tends to run very much toward what my wife looks like. Would she be mad if she knew that, flattered? I have no idea and I’m a little afraid to find out.

Maybe. I mean I don’t know what the pay rates for UFC and Ninja Warrior are but WWE is certainly making a push to put their women’s division on par with the men’s. I’d image they pay really, really well for the right talent, and it’s got to be SOMEWHAT less hazardous to the body given that everything is predetermined.

Yeah he’s gonna fucking die. What do you want to bet he bows out and like, the ghost of Hot Rod shows up

The whole story has always kinda bothered me on like a Stockholm syndrome level, but it is what it is.