Commander Spicer

I thought so too, and obviously I’ve got no problem with him being gay. I guess it just seemed so shoe-horned in at the end (especially after kind of a weird drag joke?) and the director talked about it as though he had created a new season of Queer Eye.

Yeah it was less the moment itself and more the way it was hyped that got to me I suppose. It just seemed very much like they were trying to pat themselves on the back.

I remember being really offended by that moment in Beauty and the Beast. I’m not gay, but I thought it was maybe the worst example of tokenism I’d ever seen on film. They played it up so much and THAT’S what they came up with? Do they think that’s what people want when they say they want more LGBT representation?

If he didn’t want to get dunked on he shouldn’t have sold the TV rights to his book series. Jokes are fine.

I’m a little torn. On the one hand I think it’s completely fine to rib him the way this article does. On the other, I think a lot of people take it WAY to far. He really doesn’t owe anyone anything, and there’s a difference between voicing disappointment that his stuff isn’t finished yet and being demanding the way

I loved the story that I heard about their AP government teacher doing a lecture on how to counter the influence of groups like the NRA the day everything happened.

Fuck him up, David.

I didn’t say I’ve never met a woman who likes scotch, I just said I hadn’t met very many. I think it’s a combination of it being an acquired taste + cultural forces telling you it’s a “man’s drink” that lead to more women than men disliking or thinking they dislike scotch.

I get Glen Moray for $20. It’s probably not good comparatively speaking but $20 for a single malt is a pretty square deal.

I never have either, I’m just used to being one of the only people apart from my dad who actually enjoys it. My wife will drink it if there’s nothing else around but I don’t think she enjoys it much.

I don’t know if you meant to reply to someone else but I drink my scotch straight. I don’t even like ice in it.

Yeah I think I only like it because my dad is a scotch guy (also my mom’s family is Scottish), so it’d be kind of a family tradition to have one around the fire at Christmas or whatever. I didn’t like it at first but eventually if you stick with it you do acquire the taste.

I admit I don’t know that many women who like scotch very much, but I don’t think it has anything to do with there not being a lady on the bottle.

MRW I’m definitely not going to be playing catcher.

Could be. The issue with something like this particular spot is that it isn’t really fake, per se. When they used to do this it was because wrestlers would throw punches that didn’t hit and then stomp the mat to make a noise, kind of like you would if you had a fight in a stage play. But in this case, she really did

WWE has gotten worse in recent years with their editing around impacts. Used to be they’d only make a cut if there was some kind of botch, but now it seems like anytime someone takes a bump they change the camera angle.

I’d support basically anything except adding more guns to schools in the short term but in the long term I think we need to toss the 2nd amendment.

Then prepare yourself

A handful. I just mean like as a technical piece of cinema it’s not great. They reached too high on the CGI, the writing is pretty silly, but it transcends that in a way and is good anyway. You can judge a movie technically and you can judge it subjectively just based on how much you enjoy it. In one sense it fails,

I un-ironically agree with this. I also like the second one a lot but thats one of those things where I’m fully aware of the fact that it’s not good in an objective sense.