I mean that in the sense that I would actively work to help you get that done. I would not stand in your way in order to extract promises for the future because I think its too important to get something done now. But I do believe that the constitution, or at least the way its interpreted, is fundamentally flawed and…
I would work with anything that would save lives in the short term while continuing to pound the drum of long term solutions. If you and I were in the senate I certainly wouldn’t hold up any of your solutions, but we’d be having some LONG conversations afterwards. That make sense?
I think they’re good, but I also believe anything that doesn’t result in a significant reduction in the sheer number of guns out there is a half measure at best. Basically I’m in the camp that says our best bet for saving lives would be to ditch the second amendment altogether and massively regulate the sorts of guns…
That seems like a strawman. Of course some people are talking that way, but you’re ignoring the bulk of people who are proposing legitimate possible solutions to this issue without making it about ALL gun owners in favor of getting offended by a few people who get too hot.
Absolutely. But again, just in terms of sheer numbers it’s a bit like Trump voters. Maybe more than a bit. You don’t actually have to win a single one over to your side if you can just drive more turnout than you have in the past. And all that takes is some decent ideas for once.
And shockingly there aren’t enough of them to swing an election if you can just mobilize people who otherwise would be unlikely to turn out.
Yeah I still quote the “I...am a librarian bit.” Because I am one. I am a guy though.
I think you misspelled The Mummy.
I dunno if its better than the original but I do have a soft spot for it. The first one is a legitimately great action-fantasy though. Indiana Jones for the millennial generation.
I remember seeing a preview for that as like a special feature on the DVD of the Mummy Returns, and there’s an image that sticks in my mind of an area toward the end of the ride where they’re showing Rick dangling off the edge of the cliff, and this animatronic Brendan Fraser is swinging there, but all of the motion…
Any answer other than the Mummy is wrong.
He’s Jewish. You didn’t know?
LBJ but with a much, much bigger penis.
No, I think it’s time for a new Camelot. We need the young, handsome Kerr to be the leader and the gravitas of Pop behind the throne.
Everybody says Pop/Kerr 2020, but I grew up in the 90s in Chicago just blocks from the United Center so Kerr/Pop 2020 imo.
It’s not a myth in the sense that he WASN’T a resistance fighter, but it does leave out a great deal about Stalin’s role in propping him up, time he spent in the USSR as opposed to the front lines (Kim Jong Il was actually born in Russia), etc. It’s pretty complicated at the end of the day because they say one thing…
Maybe. Depends how much you believe about their gulag system, because the reality is that we know almost nothing that’s confirmable. That would lead you to believe that it’s worse than they say, but better than we think, so who the hell knows?
Might also be worth noting that it’s POSSIBLE he did this on purpose, i.e. set himself up to fall so he could trip the Japanese skater. I mentioned in another comment that Korea and especially the DPRK have incredibly bad blood and history with the Japanese and I honestly wouldn’t put it past them to say “Hey, if you…