Commander Spicer

Yup. They have a ranking system that basically counts up how loyal you are and you have to be pretty high on that scale to get into the kind of athletic academies that lead to thinks like the national soccer teams and the Olympics. But make no mistake they also have people watching them constantly while they’re

Fucking knew it.

No, just a strange person whose hobby interest in DPRK and job as a librarian/information specialist kind of intersected for a hot second.

Yeah this is much more likely for an international level athlete than any sort of gulag-ing. The way that DPRK ranks people based on their loyalty to the state means, essentially, that if you’ve gotten to the point where you can play on the national team or go to the Olympics you’re of pretty high social standing to

Well, a couple of things here. First of all, that source is an honest to god tabloid, with headlines on its homepage such as “BOY LAYS 20 EGGS” and “Time traveler TORTURED for exposing secrets from 2030. So I’d be a little skeptical of it. Secondly, while they do still make extensive use of prison/labor camps, its

No, it’s high ranking party members. Usually done in Pyongyang and then televised on state TV. As far as anyone knows it’s a myth that they’ve ever executed anyone using artillery or dogs or whatever. Firing squad or solitary confinement until you starve more likely.

Public berating most likely. But Koreans have history with the Japanese to begin with, and that goes double for DPRK, where their foundation myth is entirely predicated on Kim Il Sung rising to power as an anti-Japanese resistance fighter.

Curt Hennig didn’t invent the fisherman suplex either, doesn’t mean its not a little sad when you see his kid doing it. People associate it with Benoit, its that simple.

I mean they probably have but it could’ve been on accident during practice. Like they do a lift that gets botched and whoops, some oral sex just happened.

I fucking lost it at huricanrana.

Well, they’re my wife’s (mine are paid off) but even so I’d still sell a damn ring.

Yeah I’m being serious I really wouldn’t blame anyone for selling something like that if they had it. I’m starting my daughter’s college account right now and did a calculator that shows how much its likely to cost when shes 18 and how little of that I’m going to be able to save at the rate I had planned on. If I had

I fuckin would. Bye bye student loans.

I also thought his palace was the best single example of the Afrofuturist aesthetic in the movie. The rest of it in some ways seemed like kind of a mish-mash, more designed for a broad audience to recognize it as “African” than really digging into Afrofuturism, but his palace really seemed to hit on something

Coogler and his co-writer came right out and said that’s why they avoided the Man-Ape name/costume.

Well, the issue at hand is that they don’t NEED to do anything, hence the final panel where he admits that he knows its just all about the cash. It’s a list of wants, and the idea is that by pointing out these relatively simple wants you’ll realize how few movies actually pass it .The Bechdel test is in and of itself

Even those dummies just add texture to the whole thing. As someone whose job it is to teach them not to be dumb, I’d be out of work if they weren’t dumb. And also, I’m a firm believer in the idea of having a sort of insulated time where you can get as much dumb out as possible between 18-22 before you’re expected to

I am a librarian at a small midwestern college and can confirm: college kids are dumb. It’s part of their appeal.

The idea of watching MLK get assassinated makes me really viscerally uncomfortable, which I’m guessing is exactly the point. Well done.

That’s some dumb bullshit to make you feel better after YOU’VE been called a name not an excuse to keep using shitty words, dumb dumb.