
I think Zoom was referring to the arc leading to - and ending with - Infinity War. It does look like Phase 3 is planning to put a big bow on some major elements and Phase 4 is planned to be more about the newer set of characters (Spidey, Panther, Captain Marvel, Strange).

I think that might be too much to introduce unless they’ve got plans for SWORD in earlier films, which is kinda hard to see from here.

True- and yet it’s the hero’s response that makes all the difference in the world. She’s not a participant in the slaughter, she’s there to stop it, and her motivations are crystal clear to both her and the audience.

Though I very happy about the political implications, I think the primary lesson studios need to learn from WW is about movies and superheroes and how the two intersect:

Although Wonder Woman opened significantly lower than either BvS or Suicide Squad ... it had one thing on its side that neither of them had

And to make it all more insane, if you create a character who relies primarily on great intellect you can come off as mindlessly counter-programming the brawny stereotype.

I think your point is solid, but note how comparatively recent many of the characters (or their black incarnations) are. The Electrical Black Man was established as a thing before many of those existed, and was admittedly more true a couple decades ago than it is today. But that’s part of the thing: several of the

Why are so many black super heroes just second gen versions of established white characters?

There’s no way that such exclusivity isn’t written into the deal. Marvel wouldn’t bank all this on establishing the character if anyone else could come along and undo all their hard work - especially when that “anyone” has an established track record of doing exactly that with this same character.

it’s either that or recreate the old Doctors with CGI

Why the hell don’t you have more stars for this observation?

I suspect that with her upbringing, she could pretty much stride into any academic Classics department in the world and floor everyone there. She could have gotten a private research office at the Louvre on basic knowledge- particularly if she could also bring the museum a package of priceless antiquities that she

Even given everything we’ve seen running up, I’m surprised how bad this looks. But I’m shocked at how many people here are saying it seems okay enough. my comments here assume that they’d want to at least put some of their coolest stuff in the trailer:

He thinks it’s far fetched that Peter Parker made his own suit?! But, him being a kid given superpowers by a radiated super spider is totally believable. Sure.

We see him messing with the protocols [in this movie] but what if he disassembles it and builds his own thing? That could be really cool.

Good examples, but such errors are generally outliers these days even though they were standard in the past. If you’re bothering to do any work of this type at all, you have to use the most informed assumptions you can- and from everything else we know, as best we know it, the overwhelming likelihood is that this

I assume Sony and Marvel will work out something before Marvel invests heavily into Spider-Man, and that contracts exist or will exist that will make sure of it.

really hoping they don’t revise Uncle Ben’s death to something other then whats ‘the norm’... it works best as the small-time hood and the life lesson Peter moved on from.

I agree with everything you said. The best hope I currently see is in a Guaranteed Basic Income. The political will isn’t yet there to overcome tired but entrenched obstacles like “concern” over giving handouts, etc.

A little vodka helps the bass go down smooooth.