
Ah, so I state how things were for me, and my area of society, and the expectations that were placed on us; and express sadness that they have been allowed to degenerate to much. And you just brush that away with ..... a rude claim that I speak lies?

Clearly you seem certain in your convictions, but let me state you

They are not as big as the UK’s Labour Party... and don’t have low level support groups such as momentum.

AFD is quite new, and is currently focused on Islamic immigration, and Front National dilslikes pretty much everyone not French or White.

And of course, Front Nationale are not the ones driving Jews out of France at

Trump is a fan of Luuke Skywalker

To me these debates are so USA focused, that it can border on Cultural imperialism.. especially when American Left and Right apply their own cultural ideas to other places.....

The problem of American discussions is you see things through a smaller lense... black, white, Asian....

Who are you to lump my whitenes in

In Europe most anti-semetism comes from the left and the Islamic communties.

What “Celt” are you thinking of?

Of course you don’t “need” those actions, but I and most people I know from my “generation” were taught to offer that respect... If a woman I meet doesn’t like that, she’s free to say so; it suits me, because i’m lazy :D

But my point was, that it seems at some point from me growing up in the 80's/90's. boys have not

That’s what Americans call a liberal bastion?

Where did some of you people grow up? Or When?

I was a kid from the 80's UK, and we knew that you never hit girls, even if they hit you first. Call them a rude name if justified, but you never get physical. If a boy hit a gilrl when I was young, other boys would beat him senseless. It was a cowardly act to hit a girl..

She looked great in the bikini, but I always thought she looked best in the Scene where she speaks to Luke in the Ewok Village..... if they had made Lord of the Rings 30 years early, she would have made a fantasic Arwen

Such a naturaly beautiful woman...... and whenever she appeared on UK TV ( Graham Nortan/ The Last

Hypocrytes; most of the stars who refuse to play for Trump happily travel to Khazakstan or Saudi Arabia to do private shows for super rich dictators.... men who actually do kill and maim innocent people; and often go to nations to perform where local laws are apparent anathema to what should be “progressive”

Ah, the “Appeal to Privelage” argument... It’s an Ad Hominem of the highest order... of course, the common term would funnily enough be called the “Trump” card.

I’m Welsh, I have my culture, my language.... I resent being dumped in as “white”; it assumes i’m the same as the English or the French.... It erases who I am, and my history.

Likewise, “Black” does not take into account the difference between a Nigerian and an Ethiopian, it again erases who they are.

What we need to

Clintons mentor was a KKK grand master, and she spoke at his funeral, guess that makes her bad too?

“To end racism would be for everyone to be seen as equals and we are still not seen as equals”
I agree, but the Human race doesn’t work this way; if all races were to be seen this way, we’d ostracise people based on economic factors, or disability issues ( Very much the UK today ), or for having Ginger hair..


Being an “SJW” is also termed progressive,.... well, that means to “progress; to advance in a forward motion”.... Sadly, you can do that over a cliff, or into oncoming traffic, or into a crowd of innocent victims... And “SJW’s” have left a shocking trail of innocent victims in their wake.

I always thought that SJW was also virtue signaling... acting like equality, feminism etc matters, Yet recently we’re seeing many of thses people outed as rapists, sexual abusers and perpetrators of the very acts and opinions they claim to fight against.
In my experience, when people so loudly proclaim they are

My grandfather got turned away from lodgings in England just after the war because he was Irish.... the person wrote one of those signs in front of him.... though Dogs were welcome ( usually are in UK ).
This was the thanks he got for fighting the Germans.... thankfully he ended up in West Wales, where he was welcome.

I’m going to assume you are US based, but try living in Europe right now...... I think you’d take a somewhat more cautions approach to Muslims and Islam... You really don’t want to be a tween/Teenage white girl, wear anything considered immodest, and you’d better not be homosexual, Jewish, or be a feminist; and you

I guess if the Rift failes because of this, he won’t be very prominant...Though is’t hitting the rift, also hitting that bastion of the left... Facebook?