
You can’t cross the solid white, it’s not rocket science. Also the driver should have tried to get in line earlier instead of being a prick and going ahead of everyone. That’s not other people being a sore loser, that’s the driver being a twat.

The design predates the AM-RB 001. The design dates at least from 2013. Search Ferrari Tensostruttura and you will see images of it.


It was really 3 vs 4. AF Corse had 2 Ferraris in GTE Pro as well. Both AF Corse and Risi are financially supported by Ferrari.

Ferrari had 3 GTE Pro cars total 2 AF Corse and 1 Risi. So it was really 3 Ferraris vs 4 GT’s.

That’s just the Ferrari project F150 concept from several years ago.

It’s funny because Silverado ads called the F-150's tailgate strop “gimmicky”

It doesn’t need to be any lighter, the extra weight over the rear tires is necessary for grip, even with the extra-wide tires. This thing will smoke cars with similar or higher power to weight ratios on the drag strip, and that’s what it’s for. It’s not meant to be a track day car. And it will completely smoke super