In Canada, we had Grey Owl, a.k.a. Archibald Belaney, who contributed a lot as a conservationist, but had to do so under this assumed identity...? It's confusing. And as that Heritage Minutes video shows in that link (with Pierce Brosnan! I wasn't expecting that), there's still a lot of unsettling mythologizing going…
Replying way late to you on this one, sorry! But I couldn't resist because I am in love with these games too. Secret of the Old Clock even hooked my uber-nerd, Minecraft-obsessed 13-year-old nephew (it was the telegram deliveries that got him I think)
Oh yes, Tomb was fantastic! So many puzzles on top of puzzles. You know, I can't seem to remember much of Treasure in the Royal Tower... which means it's time to play it again! Huzzah!! Thanks HurricaneEm, I now have something to tide me over until the Silent Spy comes out. :)
The Nancy Drew games are so great!!! Nobody talks about them, it's so weird. But I totally concur, if people want a great mystery game with lots of fun asides and great visuals, they should check these out. The new game comes out in a couple weeks, and I'm already trying to get a head start on work so I can take a…