
I always felt that Lola was defending Colin's character rather than his actions. We know that Catherine compelled Colin to perform his half-hearted attempt on Mary, one which he was the biggest apologist for when Mary unexpectedly awoke. There are NO excuses for rape but I can understand Lola's desire to defend her

Lola a rape apologist? Are you talking about her defending her boyfriend Colin?

I like this blip for Lola and Narcisse. Now we have the opportunity to guess whether Narcisse and Claude will follow through, or even if he shows up in Catherine's bedchamber. And Lola is just so much more than Francis' babymama or any man's plaything. I dislike the Lola hate that's out there.

Well if Francis had his advisers around him, he wouldn't have got into this situation. Where is Christian DeGuise? He was so hot for that coveted role at Court and now he's fallen into a plot hole. Francis needs to tell Mummy and Mary the truth cos he hasn't got what it takes to dig himself out of the cesspit of

Agreed, but are they better than this? I thought they were only straying away from one love triangle because the showrunners wanted another one. Their seemingly endless frary angst circle gives me no faith in the writers' judgement. Important historical events are swept under the carpet in an episode in order to

In RL Conde was supected of playing a part in the Amboise Conspiracy in 1560. He was arrested but later released due to lack of evidence. The plot will be moving in that direction so I hope that they do show Conde's religious and political ambiguity (as he was known to be a Huguenot in RL) rather than the Bash 2.0

Lol I'd DEFINITELY watch that!

Claude only arrived on the scene in 2.07 so this is only the second episode she's been in. Bash was pretty shocked at her arrival and grossed out by her wanting to resume their relationship. But this week he was quite the protective big brother. I'm not so worried about this turnaround as I think he really does

Thanks, I like your comments about TVD but it gets pretty messy when talking at cross purposes. Mind you, I now have the idea that Laurie McCarthy is an Original Vampire who's compelled the entire Reign cast and writing team to forget that Mary and Bash ever had more than a nodding acquaintance.

Um, new here but I thought this was the Reign discussion thread?