
The government is ok with hiring companies like Blackwater to fight their wars for them but we can't hire these talented people because they smoke marijuana.

"Here's your problem. See this support column? Looks like it was designed by a guy who learned calculus at a school which spent its money on a football stadium instead of a decent teacher."

I'd be happier, and more enthusiastic, about a smartphone that could destroy long range precision rifles from a kilometer away.

Do you have a citation for this claim?

So wait, he now has half of what he had going in? I think my ex-wife invented that trick.

That is very obviously recut footage and not what you allege. "Everything matches perfectly" because it was recut to match perfectly.

Is there a difference in fans dressed in Cosplay and wannabe models/actors decked out in elaborate, professionally made costumes/makeup photographed by professional photographers who then edit and filter the images? I say "yes," which means these do not qualify as "Cosplay."

I'm probably going to get shredded up for typing this post, but I feel like there's probably others like me who had a similar experience this weekend - but maybe I'm the only one:


Irreverent and smart and fumbling and gorgeous, Jones is the athlete's Jennifer Lawrence.

First step is to search a service like Giphy that will return the reaction gif, Simpsons clip, or closed caption Anchorman segment that perfectly suits the post you're commenting on.

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

"No one is actually this stupid."

This is the douchiest case ever.

Other marketing problems for the Klan, according to CNN

Good comeback. You're still a shitty writer. The last comment was me putting it nicely with the hopes that you'd look to improve for both your and your readers' sake. Perhaps I should have made a sexy headline:

Now playing

It was very nicely done and enjoyable to hear, but you're setting it up for failure when you set a different expectation by your hyperbolic headlines. And it isn't the first time you've done it! In the related articles, you've used the words "exactly" like, with emphasis, to describe someone else playing the theme

Definitely a boat, here I did the work for those so-

I don't think the 'live' part is meaningless. People don't necessarily 'live' in buildings in the sense that some downtowns lack a real substantial residential component and become sort of ghost towns after 5, fostering crime and whatnot. Sometimes shitty zoning or other conditions like suburban relocation create

IMAGINE! a boat that could travel around the world without using any fuel whatsoever! oh wait they had those 10,000 years ago nevermind.