Tough sport. The losers suffer the agony of defeat and they have to mount and balance all those tires.
Tough sport. The losers suffer the agony of defeat and they have to mount and balance all those tires.
"perhaps Los Angeles in the year 2094—perforated with a new infrastructure of huge resonating voids"
This is such bullshit. If I wanted to see good sports-related jokes get drowned out by a bunch of fucking nonsense spewed by idiots, I'd comment on Deadspin.
In his defence, there was grass on the field.
That's what happens when a bar has lax security.
Suggested syndication re-titles:
So just zip the file and you're good to go? HASH checks generally verify integrity of a file, fairly easy to make the file fail a hash check. I'd recommend zipping it with a text file or something to make sure you change the length of the entire file.
You've Been Taking Pepper Balls To The Chest, When You Should Be Eating Them, by Albert Burneko
For kegged beer, hop flavor in highly hopped pale ales and IPAs will degrade rather quickly. For other beer styles, a properly stored keg should last 6 months to a year without significant degradation in flavor.
Sometimes the brain does not adjust. There are cases where people are never able to adjust to all the sounds coming in, unable to filter out individual voices or other sounds it becomes more of a irritant, a wall of indistinguishable noise. Some people have chosen to shut off the implants. Young children or people who…
Clearly, those flowers are metal as f*ck.
Because as we all know bitcoin has never had any issues.
I just saw this cool GIF and don't have anywhere else to post it, so here
It would really make a lot more sense if you hadn't cropped it, Kyle.
Yes. He essentially got half a face lift. I had this exact same surgery 25 years ago. He is going to have a very young looking face (at least a forehead) well into his 50's.
if it stops gawker from changing the kinja layout again, i'm all for it.
For once I wish Harbaugh wouldn't take every opportunity to shame another coach. Andy Reid is doing the best that he can.
Actually, it is pretty bright. I took this photo a few weeks ago from 35,000 feet on a commercial flight about an hour west of Los Angeles. This was at about noon, local time, heading west, looking north. I hadn't heard of Ivanpah, but I took the photo so I could try to figure out what it was that I had seen. This…
Yes. You'll find them standing around outside the Home Depot.
Not to get racial, but a lot of these execs are coming from homes where drinking is normalised and then they go to college and enter mostly white frats and drink a bunch. I don't want to say that white people are all alcoholics, but it does seem like something that activists in the white community might want to focus…