Ah, fair enough! That sounds much longer than "just over four years".
Ah, fair enough! That sounds much longer than "just over four years".
Here, the Marijuana Research Project has operated for nearly half a decade.
60 million iPhone users are complete idiots, then. And I didn't say "Google Wallet", I said "NFC Payments". I was being platform agnostic.
agreed. To be honest, the engine demos from 10 years ago (or more) still look pretty impressive to me. It's a shame you don't get nearly the same quality of graphics in games, though.
I thought the countertops were fine, the mirrors were frosted for some reason, making everything out of focus/blurry. That's a mistake of the designer, not the engine. I thought the large, clear glass vases in the bedroom were a bit off, as was the texture of the orange chair. The drapes were kinda meh, too.
I know - I was making a dig at my gramps, not you. I do believe this was an honest mistake. Grandpa was just an old racist.
Yeah, my grandfather used to call black people "coloreds" - it was an honest mistake.
I'm pretty sure you have a tenuous grasp of the law, or you live outside the United States, or both.
Actually, they're related but different products. I think Dish owns slingbox now.
Oh yeah, forgot it was all a dream!
Also poor people's "FAULT" they can't afford food.
First Warlords of Draenor, and now this?!?
This video doesn't include the weirdest Mario of all Super Mario Bros 2 ("Mario Bros USA" in Japan).
Not sure what you mean by "one UI", but Roku's got them all (except iTunes, but you can play that stuff through plex). Apple will never let Amazon on their AppleTV, or Google Play.
I didn't know there were Aperture references in HL 2, but I know there were tons of Black Mesa references in Portal. Good point about not knowing how far in the future Portal might be set, however. It seems like they are dozens of potential games' worth of storylines describing Black Mesa's and Aperture's…
they need to make some sort of crossover between HL3 and Portal
In an average year, just the one block of Elmer can collect enough water for 30 families.
"Balanced exposure" I think is the best term.
Better pictures aren't necessarily "properly exposed". Sometimes under- or over-exposure is just what the shot needs.