
I read this article immediately after seeing this comment, and thought it would be interesting to post here.

It is clear to any trained observer and even to the sociologically untrained, that a new attitude toward sex discrimination has come over the world through the centuries, receiving an abrupt stimulus just before and after the World War.

"'I'm on purpose.' This changed my game."

Exactly, many restaurants have a $125 prix fixe dinner that you must buy. No other option.

There is a gas station in Pebble Beach that charges $6/gallon. It's not illegal to charge high prices to those who can afford it.

The extra benefit of that last point is that it frees up more cabs for everyone.

There's plenty of reasons to defend surge pricing. It gets more drivers on the road, so this douche wasn't occupying a cab, and someone else got to take a cab instead.

Not trying to be disrespectful, just honestly confused with some terminology here. Mark says she came out as gay, so what does that mean? She was attracted to guys? Wouldn't that be straight? Is it because she came out as a gay male before coming out as a straight trans-female?

I was just asking a question, I never stated my preference in that comment. Chill out, no one is here to take your guns.

I would counter your point about adding guns would reduce violence, since the states with highest per capita gun ownership have almost double the murder rates of states with the lowest per capita gun ownership.

I don't disagree with a single thing you've said in this comment, except your tone. Homicide by firearm rates in the US are 3.0 people per 100,000, whereas in the UK it is 0.07 (40 times lower) and in Germany it is 0.2 (15 times lower). Switzerland is an example pro-gun advocates like to point out as having a very

Jesus, stop putting words in my mouth, I never said you're not responsible. I was asking the opinion of Nyxie when you jumped in with a diatribe.

But everyone who owns guns is a responsible gun owner until the moment they're not. I'm just sick of reading these goddamn stories of idiots who shoot themselves, or kids who shoot other kids, or mass shootings. All these deaths are almost entirely preventable. It is clear that we are not a nation of responsible gun

You haven't presented any information to the contrary. You have only presented information that links more guns purchased legally with not an increase in gun violence. That is not the same as less guns everywhere leads to less gun violence. I would point you to gun ownership vs gun violence statistics in dozens of

I was merely asking a hypothetical, and not to you, either. I wanted the opinion of a responsible gun owner.

Accidental gun death rates are much higher here than in countries with strict gun laws

Volvo's goal by 2016 is to have 0 deaths in their cars. Can you say that about a gun manufacturer?

You should stop living in fear, and perhaps find someone to live with, since the thing that will make you absolutely safer in your house (or anywhere, really) is another person to help.

Plenty of non-leathal weapons will stop someone who is trying to hurt you RIGHT NOW. Mace, tazers, and baseball bats come to mind. Self-defense classes, as well. And you can get fit while you learn to protect yourself.

But we don't have a way to weed out idiots from owning guns. And I don't want an idiot carrying a gun in walmart to accidentally discharge it and shoot me or my kid.