Sir Hippo

No way that’s happening. I’m just praying you can turn off the motion controls and play with the regular Pokémon Go touch controls. Because pretending to throw a pokéball in public sounds terrible.

Bluuuuuuuh. Hard to get excited about this. Pokemon with couch co-op sounds incredible, but with Pokemon Go capture mechanics? I’m skeptical, but I won’t dismiss it just yet.

Hmmmm got any unrealistic items on your E3 wishlists? Something dumb that you know won’t be announced, but you hope will be anyway?

Astalos! Astalos!

Man I know I’m in the minority but I love Kiddy Kong. I just find all of his mannerisms so funny, especially when he dies and does that frightening tantrum scream. DKC3 is also my favorite of the original trilogy though, so my opinion is probably invalid for most people.

I guess I’m confused on what you’re proposing here. That we shouldn’t debate which console is best because the manufacturers will get overconfident? When they do that, people don’t buy the console. Your examples are proof, the PS3 and Xbox One initially drastically underperfomed because of the problems you mentioned.

It sounds like the only one making it personal is you. Console wars can be good wholesome fun as long as you don’t let yourself get TOO invested. It’s like cheering for a sports team. Treat these discussions like a friendly rivalry and not a super serious debate and you’ll have a lot more fun with them. If you don’t

Thankfully someone acknowledges this. This guy is using the word in an obviously, intentionally hateful context. That’s clearly unacceptable. And that’s totally different from Ninja accidentally using it when freestyling a genre of music that uses it more than just about anything else. I’m a bit tired of people

Hmmm I can agree that broken games can be interesting. I’ve found quite a few hilarious bugs in Far Cry 5 and Dunkey’s new video on it shows that there are many more. But bugs inherently shatter the suspension of disbelief, and they do it more efficiently than just about anything else. So I think the overall quality

Thaaat article is for Dragon Quest dude. MHW stands for Monster Hunter World.

Right, I totally agree with all of that. Nier is far more ambitious with its subject matter, but Zelda’s ambition lies in its structure. Its storytelling. I just feel that the genius that went into Zelda’s story deserves a little more attention. That’s all I’m trying to say.

I think there is a distinction to be made between “story” and “storytelling”. Nier Automata has an excellent story, but tells it fairly linearly (despite the slightly obnoxious business with the multiple “endings”). BotW is in my opinion an absolute masterpiece of storytelling, even if its actual story isn’t as

Don’t you speak that monkey’s name. I still have nightmares about that thing.

C’mon now no need for name calling. The gaps between the last three games were 7 and 6 years, people are basing this off of the typical Smash Bros. development cycle. I disagree with them, there’s no reason this couldn’t be a new game, but you don’t have hurl insults.

Shit I am tempted to buy this for that response alone. And I couldn’t care less about God of War.

Hm, I was really poking fun at the original comment’s mention of Torb’s proportions, not any of the women’s, but I guess that goes with your point too. Well said.

I don’t think overwatch characters are supposed to look realistic. Reinhardt’s proportions are downright preposterous, as an extreme example.

I am certainly on neither side of the fence on this one, who cares if one game is similar to the other. I do wonder how Paladins is “more MOBA-like” though, from all the gameplay I’ve seen it seems pretty much the same as overwatch and TF2. Is it the progression system/card things that make the difference here? The

Ehhh wasn’t crazy about the Little Witch Academia ones. Those were pretty weak compared to the other stuff.

While I like and mostly agree with the sentiment of this comic, I think closer scrutiny is necessary when dealing with massive sites like Twitter. Twitter has become an important method of communication for unfathomable amounts of people. So despite it being a private company, it makes me uneasy to ban people from it