
Maybe when everyone associated with Penn, past and future, shows compassion for the actual victims in this tragedy, and the little boys can ‘move on’, maybe the wound can close. Til then, just picture in your mind a 12 yr old boy, who has already had a shitty enough life to be living in foster care, being raped

Breaking news: Most Penn State fans still support Joe Paterno. Thus, fuck them all and no, never let them move on.

Whether or not Penn State served a harsh enough penalty for its complicity and whether or not Penn State’s fans have shown enough remorse doesn’t change the fact that anyone suggesting a victory in a football game has anything to do with “the healing process” is incredibly offensive. Penn State’s football program

Pro tip: don’t cover up for a monstrous child rapist, and certainly don’t build statues honoring his chief enabler.

Until they admit Patetno’s role in it, renounce him and his action, say that he was a fucking awful human being, stop treating him like he was a god then, no, I don’t have the charity to move past it and let them forget what happened.

All those kids who were raped for over 30 years just got unraped thanks to that Penn State win! Go Lions~!