Sir Hammerpants

People pay $40 for a weed icon on steam.

On a related note, I'd like to thank the fine folks over at the steam community for funding many of my Summer Sale purchases by buying cards from me. I think there's a saying about this...something about imbeciles and currency, or the birth rate of suckers maybe...

Now playing

It doesn't make me cry, but the final scene in Jin Roh has always left me in a state of horrified shock where I wish I could cry.



Nope, this one's not pointless. FFVI is clearly a better game, but VII has the benefit of a better marketing campaign in the west, being the first 3D graphics FF, and releasing at a time when the children of early gamers were reaching gaming age. VII is a great game in its own right, but VI sets the bar for game

Cybermen came first, but Borg have a better aesthetic. Also: First Contact. Not the best Trek-flick, but a damned good space-zombies movie.

I will settle this. They're both overrated and neither has been relevant in a decade.

Can't stand Who. I got so tired of everybody bringing it up on the time (when my friend and I are discussing the sociopolitical issues of a particular episode of TNG, DO NOT BRING UP WHO), but still tried to give it a legitimate chance as a show when I finally sat down to watch it.

What garbage. I'm pretty sure most

The anime has nothing to do with Lang's film, see the original if you're curious. Metropolis is most important as a piece of cinematic history, and is a must watch if you're interested in Fritz Lang.

Can we be friends? I feel like we should be friends. I will list Whedon projects I enjoyed: Firefly and Avengers. That is it. As to why I can't stand any of Whedon's other works, let me throw some fuel on the fire here:
Whedon writes shit dialogue. Nobody talks like that. Get over it.

I'm putting it out there, kotaku:

Char's Zaku II is the sexiest mech ever.

Celt is the wrong term. But yes, there is a noticeable Scandinavian influence on Irish art starting in the early middle ages.

I'd rather just play a game of 3030 than some Kanye garbage.

My love of Star Trek is related inversely to my love of Star Wars. I love Star Trek more than ever, I'm willing to jettison Star Wars out an airlock.

Yep. Even ignoring the prequel trilogy, I really lost my love for these movies. I guess it started when I got into cinema history and started watching a lot of Kurosawa. First I realized that A New Hope is just The Hidden Fortress sans Mifune. Then I realized that the writing is pretty bad overall. Episode V is

So Jhonen Vasquez normally draws with his eyes closed?

You're over thinking this issue. The issue is not that supermovies are dying, it's that Hasbro is making crappy toys. But don't worry, I can help.

It's the Citizen Kane of movies

I can't decide if I REALLY want it to include gargoyles or if I REALLY don't. My nostalgia is battling my wallet to the death.

You said Half Life 3.

Reset the clock.