Sir FR-S (Formally CR-Z)

Good for Hammond and May. Respect.


The answer is always Stratos HF.

The obvious answer for me...

little better viewpoint.


Oh come on, it's not that bad. May I remind you all that it's the only Hybrid in America that comes in MANUAL?

VW Bus for the week and a Formula Vee for the weekend. Image sorta related

Flip the platform around. Problem solved. Please ignore the cost of this measure.

If you were to lose traction with them, would it be called an electric slide?

You forgot to mention the production version

For the past 6 months I've ditched the deodorant. Most days, I don't notice the difference. There have only been two days where I've had to apply and I'm very sensitive about my own smells. I certainly feel better about not putting the chemicals on.

I'm not comparing the two cars in anything but the initial purchase price. If I said you could buy an iPad for the same price as a blender, I'm not insinuating that an iPad can dice carrots.

Have you driven them?

I'm not sure if this concerns the topic at hand however I firmly believe the driving age needs to be changed to 18 with compulsory drivers-ed and bi-annual medical evaluation after the age of 60.

What the fuck are wrong with catalytic convertors? Catalytic converters are modern miracles. They DRAMATICALLY reduce the harmful emissions from vehicles (by a huge amount...we're not talking a little thing here...a lot of people underestimate what they do), and do so in a way that is extremely power and fuel