Nyan North Matthies

I seriously love Joss Whedon

·I completely agree. It’s difficult not to when it’s a sentiment also shared by Terry Pratchett.

Fuck, I miss Andy Hallet.

everyone laughed, sure the 70-year old con was just out for the publicity. With his hernia reaching massive proportions, he’d be lucky to make a half mile even without pursuit.

Interesting that his mother died in 1914 and then later again in 1915 - according to this text.
(Otherwise a very interesting and gruesome story.)

kinda looks like ramsay snow...

I want a “Catching Dick” T-shirt now

Just tell them they’re not that attractive and you don’t know who let them talk. Maybe if they were hotter you would listen to their opinions.

The red nail polish! I had no idea this was forbidden until I babysat a neighbor’s daughter. She was 8 and wanted to play “make up and heels” so I obliged, put on a little eyeshadow and lip gloss, painted her nails and toes red (her favorite color!) and we played with my shoes. Her dad came home and flipped the fuck

Have a berry. You can cut it up for your cereal.

I’m actually so happy she gave a specific number for how much she weights. I know the number isn’t supposed to matter, and two people who weigh the same thing can look very different, but I feel like I’m constantly hearing about women who weigh 135 and want to lose 5 or 10 more lbs and it makes me sick. I just saw Amy

She may not be the best, but some of the stuff she says is golden.

she is the hero gotham deserves

You girls are a delight. Please go to movies together more often! :)

I would totally go see Kingsman rather than FSOG.

The lords work. You guys are doing the lords work.

and his hot driver.

Dear Christie Blatchley,

The fucking sad thing is that unless parents actively work to counteract the influence of rape culture in their own homes (which clearly didn't happen in this young man's household, as his parents are STILL making excuses for him and for themselves), rape culture will do its work to teach kids like him that this

As I read I couldn't decide if the kid or the mom pissed me off more. Then I got to this;