Nyan North Matthies

It is NOT a “significantly large” portion of the population - no matter how many spongers this guy personally knows. Actual research backs up this. What research doesn’t back up? Apocryphal comments from anonymous persons who may have a political agenda.

And everyone in this administration travelling or vacationing on our money. How much has the ugly orange troll charged the taxpayers for his unceasing golf outings? And how much he personally is making off us as he holds events at his properties?

If someone wants to blow their SNAP benefits on lobster and not eat for the rest of the month, it’s their business.

I name this camel Fred!

But haven’t you heard? He can name camels and draw clocks. He’s FINE!

I’ve thought about this. In return for world peace, and end to inequality, shitloads of money for me and everyone I know and love, and death to my enemies, I would agree to bend over a sofa for a few minutes of vanilla doggy style.

I think that the only way the Trump could be alive and not be both insanely narcissistic and deeply disturbing, is for him to be in a coma. His entire life seems to revolve around being one of the worst living examples of humanity.

His level of wrongness exceeds any version of the DSM, the Ten Commandments and most of the western world’s mythology.

10/10 Melania does not care. If anything she’s prob glad to outsource that particular wifely duty.

There’s a lot I’d do for a cool half billion.

Seriously, when is the GOP going to stop pretending they stand for “traditional family values?”

Oddly enough, though, there are some interesting parallels between what happened between Stormy Daniels / Trump and Marilyn Monroe / JFK:

I’m way more disappointed in his fellow Democrats who threw him under the bus for ridiculously dubious claims, but that’s just me.

There is also the part where he apparently got her to spank him with a copy of Forbes, which had a picture of his kids on the cover.

That sound, is collective vaginas sealing up every place that has a male within 1 mile of them. I will be shocked if any female has sex with me or any other male ever again.

There is no amount of money, fame or potential business opportunity in the world that would motivate me to fuck that orange hued, lying piece of shit.

And I was like, “Ugh, here we go.”

I hope during the shut down fight, someone reads the whole article on the Senate floor.

That sound you hear is my vagina rapidly sealing itself up until further notice.