Nyan North Matthies

After failing to get past the first cut for the part of Angel on Buffy in 1996, Fillion had run into some of the actors who were cast in the series at parties, and they would talk about the adventures that they were having and the stories the show was telling. He was intrigued, and tried to catch the occasional Buf

It's been a few minutes... come on people...

I watched one episode of Doctor Who and I was like, 'Did they film that in my basement?' because it looked cheesy.

Trust them. They're the government.

Then there's the notorious Pink Panther diamond of the Shah of Lugash, so named because when light shines through a flaw in the gem, a pink panther can be glimpsed. Frequently stolen, the gem's desire to remain uncaught is said to cause clumsiness and calamity in anyone who seeks to reclaim it:

According to legend, the Ark of the Covenant caused a lot of problems for nations other than Israel too.

So basically what you're telling me is:

The curse of the Hope Diamond continues unabated. Everyone who comes to DC to see it has a hard time finding a parking spot, then has to jostle their way through a big crowd to get a glimpse of it.

"We have Top Men dealing with these stones right now".

these guys know what u are talking about ...

One day, I hope I'm rich enough to start a cursed jewel collection, just because fuck you curses.

Winner, right there.

There's a reason nature gave certain creatures bright colors. They're dangerous.

No.. redheads have stomach's of steel. We dont puke unless its on our terms. You are just a sally!

I dont know about the pain threshold, but, when I get general anesthesia, they have to give me a special shot of something to keep me from hurling when its done. The anesthesiologist told me that most redheads throw up after coming out of it, but, he didd't know why.

time to bring out the big guns

Gingers without freckles are known as day walkers