
Anecdotally, I have met (and was married to one) African American men who were very critical of large sized women, and one of the reasons they were dating non-Black women was, as they themselves stated, that they disliked the sometimes larger size of some African American women. Internalized racism at its worst.

There is something to be said about black men who are attracted to white women that are plus sized, but it’s a stereotype nonetheless. I’ve seen plenty of black men make fun of plus sized women. Also, the way she said it made it seem like she only cares about black men when they’re giving her compliments. I was told

My local store owner kicks people out. It’s glorious. If you can’t be respectful, you’ve overstayed your welcome.

You shut your mouth about Uncle Jimbo!

Also, hearing this dipshit covering “Trap Queen” is as close to death as you can come without having it turned into a Christian Film.

I used to love Bob Dylan’s tracks about doing “E” and raping and murdering your ex-wife in front of your kid. CLASSIC Dylan.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

This had already made my day, but then I noticed that it’s filed to “go fuck yourselves”...I bow down to your lack of fucks.

i was going to make some jokes and stuff but i can’t. because this was the most spot on fucking shit i have ever read. the white privilege bit? priceless.

So the thing about that is that the person behind you doesn’t get the entire depth of your seat to stow their belongings. There’s usually something that stops them from pushing their luggage completely against your legs so there is usually 4 or 5 inches of seat area that is yours. You can see this here:

You sound like a fun person to talk to at parties.

Thank you for properly addressing these pricks.

  • I pick this one: “She visits her grandmother’s house for the first time when she’s old enough to pay for her own seat, iPad, and Beats by Dre headphones.” Keep your kid out of my underseat space. It’s mine. I bought it. Your kid is your problem. If she’s not old enough to fly, then she’s not old enough to fly.

I have worked with all of those people and can concur, while also adding: Ellen Pompeo is a fucking crazy woman on a scale unknown and unappreciated by the media. If she decided to get pissed about something, everybody stand back. Shonda is an amazing woman who is NOT crazy, but I would believe if she was already

I created this account, so I could comment anonymously. If this ever gets tied back to me, I would be in serious trouble. In any case, the ‘rumor’ is absolutely true. He had an affair with a MARRIED intern on set. They made no effort to hide anything, and the intern flaunted it in the face of the other interns/staff.

“It’s all about getting you to see the next 20 movies, not about whether this one actually resonates.” THIS. THIS. THIS. THIS.

Ultron as a villain never really lives up to the Age of Ultron title. In the comics and the tragically short lived Earth’s Mightiest Heroes cartoon, he is a cold, calculating monster who has a Skynet kind of immortal virtual presence that makes it questionable whether or not the Avengers can ever truly defeat him once

Your dog could help protect your child.

Anybody contouring their labia yet? Like, why not at this point.