
I am beyond happy that Puzzle & Dragons made this list! I was not much of a mobile gamer before I discovered this game - I was pretty much consoles or bust for what I considered serious gaming. And now, I’ve been playing PAD for over 3 years (per my login screen) and I’ve probably spent $50 over 3 years on the game

“my salt is really just extreme jealousy hidden behind a finely woven tapestry of anger”

I’m in the same boat as Sansa experience-wise, and even I could tell the night prior to battle that Jon wasn’t taking Sansa’s warning to do something wildly unexpected seriously. She was wise if she intentionally omitted information about Eryie because otherwise Jon would bank on those forces and the whole point is

Was having trouble finding the words, but this is seriously perfect. *applause*

Obviously biased, but I’m pretty sure that’s a secondary reason!

I’ve been using “come over and watch the Cavs play in the Finals” as a euphemism “come have marathon sex with me instead of watching the Cavs play in the Finals” with the new guy I’m seeing. So far, it’s been the only winning strategy coming from Ohio at the moment.

In fact, malocclusions and teeth-growth problems are so common in rabbits that it’s insanely important to make sure they are constantly provided with chewing/gnawing enrichment that is sturdy.

If he wanted, he could even have done a FAQ

I promise I took much more away from the article than this, but Christopher McDonald’s character in Requiem for a Dream was Tappy Tibbons; Shooter McGavin was his character in Happy Gilmore. Perhaps this is why I am single and you have been happily seeing someone for two months hehe.

As a vegetarian, their personal decision to eat humanely raised and slaughtered meat does not bother me. I would still eat at their delicious restaurants. My decision to not eat meat does not trump the decision of other people to eat meat.

Starred for the phrase “levitate back into the shrubbery”

I will give any amount of money to see this movie; talk about a crossover with actual potential!

Can someone please provide a tl;dw summary of the video?

I’m now fully invested in consuming a large amount of star-shaped tater tots. Came for the burger, staying and salivating for dem tots.

Starred for combining Alan Rickman/Galaxy Quest/Sailor Moon into one excellent sentence.

I signed up for Deadspin’s newsletter solely because they utilized one of my favorite gifs above.

I’m a vocal supporter of May-December romances, but I agree with you on this one that this whole thing with Lovitz feels inorganic, and has a general desperation/creepy vibe. I can’t think of one time where I’ve ever referred to my romantic partner in a M-D relationship as “daddy”, expected him to treat me like a

I’m 28 and my dad is 63. My dad has aged very well and naturally, and for a long time had salt and pepper hair. Around when I turned 23, we would get looks when we went out to restaurants, etc. to catch up. Around age 27, his hair went almost-all white, and we no longer get looks. So it was a weird 5 years for us.

I’m a huge, huge fan of the technicolor banana and other acid-tripping fruit pals being featured on The Devil card.

Came here for explicitly for Tina Belcher comments! Thank you.