
I haven’T seen the movie yet, so no spoilers, but do we have any solid evidence that the ending was changed, or just internet scuttlebut?

They’re threatening anyone who expresses a dislike or disagreement with Furer Drumpf or anyone different from themselves. R1 has a diverse cast instead of all white males. Basically the same motivation behind the Lady Ghostbuster hate.

Okay, so, in other words, Rogue One won the gold medal, but these wackos are saying it failed because it didn’t win a platinum medal?

Well we said that when they wanted Trump for President, and look where we are now

They’re just mad their delusions of grandeur aren’t making them several hundred million dollars.

These people are a special kind of delusional. How does R1 have anything to do with this? Unless you liken the Empire to Drumpf’s people.