Ain't no party like a Jalopnik Detroit party!
Ain't no party like a Jalopnik Detroit party!
Skip the DIA, what's wrong with these people? It's literally one of the best art museums in the world. Even if it was just the Diego Rivera mural it'd be 100x better than the Ren Cen, but it has pieces from basically ever era of art history from ancient Egypt to Andy Warhol. Really "travel guide", really?
8 years old can be a real spectrum in development terms... I don't know your kid, so I don't know, but do you think that was logic, or perhaps hoping to see a naked lady?
Totally off subject but my son asked after she brought back summer why didn't her dress melt? Because afterall she remade it for herself with her ice magic...shouldn't it melt?
I'm a little bit confused by this ABC News (by way of Travelzoo) piece that encourages people to visit Detroit. If I…
One cause most of us here have our minds in the gutter and default in thinking that this is something perverted, and 2nd because a lot of the people here use their ethnocentric views as a filter when viewing everything regardless of country. Something that Western cultures find weird might not be so weird in other…
To be fair, the UN slams North Korea quite a lot. For whatever reason, "people" just seem to think UN=US.
Yeah, that's something that really grinds my gears actually.
What's sadder is that there is a huge number of people out there who think the North Korean situation is all a fabrication of Western bias and that the surviving North Korean defectors are all in it for the fame and money, despite telling us some truly harrowing stuff about their predicament, not to mention many…
I enjoy the odd poke at this idiot as much as the next guy. And yeah, it's funny to see him when he was a little cunt. But, I feel that the eye roll and shrug of "oh, North Korea" is really starting to numb people to how much of a monster he is.
Whaaaat? Video games aren't addictive. That's ridiculous. Now excuse me while I cut out of work to go grind out some more levels in ARR (I'm so close to my first job class!).
It makes sense. A cellphone and internet are needed things in the modern world to broadcast your message, do legitimate business or work, and connect with people. A video game or TV is an entertainment device which Shaolin monks like most religious orders, refrain from to focus on their beliefs. This is actually a…
This right here is why Michigan is the most progressive state
If you hit it, you should be able to keep it. Or, give it to some person who has the skills to prep it, or to a charity or something that feeds the needy. Growing up in Michigan, I know how bad the deer/car accident rate is.
I wouldn't say I found this article offensive, moreso irritating. I'd be much more proud to use a fresh kill for food rather than let it waste to stinking gore while supporting factory farmed meat.
Man, you know, sometimes I'm just headed up to Sleeping Bear Dunes and I just get hungry, and one of those quirky…