
Yep. I work in the media and opening your mentions every day to a stream of abuse is really affecting. Some of these commenters above don’t seem to be hectoring her, but I also kinda get why she might have that reflexive instinct to online criticism. With her activism on gun rights and general feminist politics in her

This. While the complaints regarding Metzger are valid and I’m glad to see he’s facing repercussions for his statements, it is absolutely bullshit that there’s an expectation that people respond to the Internet Mob in real time. Presumably Schumer just fired someone she has (at least in the past) considered a personal

Yes! Why do people feel soo entitled to her space? She’s fired the guy and called him out as an ass. There’s nothing left for her to say to you... I'd block you too!

Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let

Can we not blame Amy Schumer for the assholery of men she may have employed/known? Let’s stay focused on the true jerks who deserve our anger.

We don’t actually know if she is lying. Someone at the courthouse could have leaked it just as easily. But, what gets me is the clear contempt you have for her in your comments while saying nothing about Depp’s behavior, which is far worse.

How does her possibly lying seem so much worse than watching him do violent

And what does his behavior reflect?

Yes, the most important thing is whether she leaked the video, not the pattern of behavior the video displays. I wish I was a famous, rich, and attractive (to many) man, imagine what I could get away with!!

Well, but honestly, so what?

For releasing of filming for court, etc., it depends on where she taped it.

It’s so hard to grasp the “he doesn’t love you” thing when they’ve been telling you they love you for so long. I had a guy told obliterate my heart and ghost me like that and I still sometimes catch myself defending him. It’s so hard to let go of the fantasy.

Guys. Please help. The shittiest thing just happened: I found a close friend’s husband on Tinder. I need your feedback on what to do. I’m really torn. Reasons for telling her: We’re among each other’s closest friends, I’d want to know, I don’t want to carry this big secret around, she deserves to know. Reasons for not

Hahahahaha! I LOVE it!!! I hope she got super angry and is riding that adrenaline high wherever the f it takes her. One commenter last week said that the poster almost seemed to be in a spot where if the asshole called her and was all “baby baby baby, I’m leaving my wife”, she would have taken him back. That was kind

I NEED AN UPDATE FROM THE PERSON LAST WEEK WITH THE TWO TIMIN BOYFRIEND ASSHOLE!!!! Sorry....I have been thinking about her allllllll week!

i believe he was convincing. i found my ex passed out with bags of heroin laying next to him and when he said he wasnt high i believed him. but lookng back on that, i realize it’s because i had to choose to believe him, or i would have to give up the guy i loved. what i’m saying is you made a conscience choice to go

I’ve read this entire thread and I get that you need to believe he loved you because of all the time you invested, but girl that ain’t love. He didn’t love you. He doesn’t love his wife. Please don’t take this as me saying you’re dumb YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME, but you need to see that you aren’t losing a great love. This

I don’t want to be cruel, but.... I think a lot of your confusion is coming from your need to stick with the idea that he did indeed truly love you. It’ll be difficult, but if you want to get over this you need to face that he didn’t love you.

“It’s been 9 days, and I’m so scared that he’ll never contact me again, and I’ll never have the closure I need.”

I’m so sorry that you went through this. This guy is a liar, and even if he did contact you, do you really think he’d tell you the truth? He’s been lying to his wife since before they were married; lying is this guy’s way of life. Don’t look to this guy for closure, you’re going to have to move on because he’s made it

This is going to sound harsh, but I couldn’t think of a nice way to say this.