
“Second-hand benevolent white woman’s burden-style racism” were your exact words? You don’t have to use the word racist to call someone a racist, but it’s only one letter off and it’s kinda hard to read that sentence any other way

So Kristen Bell posing for a picture with a women she just performed a song with one time (as well as a whole bunch of other celebs) is a racist. Even though she likely has never seen Debra Messing’s cringe worthy “Africa” tweets and... lmao a giraffe couldn’t reach this far.

dang... that was rough to read through... sorry about that.

You don’t think it’s a bit much to fault her for taking a photo with a person who did a questionably motivated good deed? Glass houses...

She was trying to obtain clarification, not even trying to be helpful. She was confused, because (as she pointed out) Brie Larson is the one who was claiming to be “woke.”

Yeah I remember that, it was embarrassing to see happen. She’s trying to be helpful but whoa it’s condescending.

Okay. See ya.

Are you going to tell me how on earth she managed to give off “second-hand benevolent white woman’s burden-style racism” by taking a photo with Debra Messing?

Could you explain the racist thing? What am I missing?

What’d she do? She’s just there in a photo with Debra Messing, she’s not even saying anything.

It’s definitely too much house for the location, but Taylor Swift didn’t commission it, did she?

It’s so strange... Up until now her inage has been so tightly controlled. Did she change management or something?

In a two party system it can be difficult choosing between pragmatism, and voting your conscience.

Well, again, she’s been writing for Trump for over a decade according to the Wikipedia link. How many years after you stop doing a job do you want to people still to refer to you by that job?

It’s a very important part of his past, OK?

Totally normal


Perfectly normal.

Fuck that - They better replace that pane with a different picture.