Irradiated overgrowth? I think you mean nuclear winter. :(
Irradiated overgrowth? I think you mean nuclear winter. :(
Her transphobia is unfortunate. :(
... and that works of genius like The Toast used to get lumped together with pieces of shit like xoJane because “women’s content”, I guess.
This is glorious. The Orange One being forced to sit through one long boring moralising sermon after another, and on a Saturday, too. May the rest of his presidency be filled to bursting with these sorts of churchgoings and Sunday School lessons. His fanatic evangelical base will expect nothing less of him. Ha, ha!
Your daughters are amazing, and you should definitely introduce your eldest to Marvel’s Squirrel Girl at some point.
I read that Maxine Waters article earlier in the week and my first thought was “hmm wonder what THE justice of Shade Kara Brown will have to say about THIS”.
This surprised me also. I wonder if they’re just naive or if they are being exploited by their parents (or both).
If I were better at Photoshop I’d ‘shop these into a b&w photo of the new North Korean elite, Barbara Kruger style.
It reminds me of Barbara Krueger’s art, minus the self-awareness, balanced aesthetic, or of course subversive message.
Also useful for cycling with children!
The other layer of this shit sandwich is that now that the right is in power again, there will be increasing competition amongst its media outlets...
Not even necessarily early onset, since he’s what? 70?
I think you meant to say “he WISHES he looks like a North Indian or Pakistani man from the village”
This troll’s complaint reminds me of those Man Who Has It All memes, a la: “I’m not offended to be called a female troll because I know the term ‘female’ covers both men and women”
IDK that jowls-and-wattle combo looks as light as a feather to me. More an absence of face than a presence, I’d say. A face with negative space.
This made my fucking day. Thank you for sharing this, kind internet stranger.
I had to rewatch the trailer for “Hidden Figures” a couple of times to confirm that it was the same film I’d read about the previous year, about the badass black women mathematicians at NASA. Bang up job they did white-male’ing up that trailer with predominantly Kevin Costner voiceover and scenes. *Sigh* some things…
That’s so disgusting. What an awful human being. Best of luck to you when and if you decide to run!
Ever think of running for your school board? (I’m serious)
Her books are what elevated her to heroine status for me. I always loved her and looked up to her as Leia when I was a girl, but reading “Postcards from the Edge” for the first time after my own diagnosis of bipolar disorder made me see her as so much more. She has a way of apologising for her actions while never…