
Thats funny because im regularly accused of being against this film, and youre the first person to go the other way. I said this same thing at slashfilm and fanboys went nuts and accused me of just hating women. Because in their twisted world, all reboots are wonderful…>_>
Im not excited for this film. The proton packs

This feels like a retread of the original movie. They already did the joke of using an old car and fixing it up.
Now its same thing here, but just used a car thats as old as the first one was to the first movies release.
Id have rather they just use a brand new car, covered in high tech stuff, than steal a bit like

When it comes to spider-man, its pretty much set in stone. Outside of the costume design by ditko, its all stan lee. And even partial creation doesnt change parkers origins he wrote and how he'd like it to stay as he wrote.

Theyre his creations and we either respect artistic integrity or we dont.
People groan when a character is retconned just to change their ethnicity, but when a new one comes along, people get interested. Miles Morales is another perfect example of when a new character resonates and becomes way more popular than if

LOL and youve proven you have NO idea what the word obsession means, and are too deluded to see that its representative in your own actions.

Jesus Christ, did you get in a car crash? Is half your skull missing? Is it SO rare that anyone ever talks to you that you consider a WORD COUNT as something important? Your level of pathetic is off the charts. You just cant help thinking that word count matters, It must be your mental handicap or maybe your so

Yeah, I did, but I didnt accept the premise of your question. Your rhetorical question comes from your warped viewpoint that youre some innocent in all this and having done nothing to build the case that your an abused, mentally disturbed stalker creep.
You STILL give credence to lots of words, and your motivation for

Once again, your repetition compulsion kicks in and you go back to the word count, because you both fear and revere large things. Are YOU autistic? Are you just like Rain Man over there, spouting "too many words, too many words. Yeah, too many words, scary, very scary."

10 times better than Hannibal Rising, though thats not a hard thing to pull off.

Aww man, I just watched The Burbs the other day. This is sad, he was quick witted, and an underused talent.

I WANT to believe this is coming out, but at this point its like Charlie Brown and the football, so Im just gonna ignore it until its on shelves. -_-

LOL its funny that you call me unhinged, when all ive done is ask you basic questions and state facts concerning things youve actually done.
Brynden in my psych study group has a different theory. He doesnt think you were raped as a kid, but instead you have an incredibly small penis.
Freud deduced that a mans worth is

This show really just seems like an excuse for Dwayne Johnson to get easy access to tons of hot extras.
I'm not saying the plan isn't genius, but that doesn't mean it makes a good show.

LOL of course i care about you??? Holy crap, you really are nuts. ONCE AGAIN, you equate something as miniscule as a reply, to actually caring, because you have nothing else in your life. So so sad.
Thats the difference. I dont give a crap about your comment history, I wouldnt ever check because I am not a gross

You keep adding emotion where there is none. You must really wanna live the fantasy that you evoke emotion out of people. And ive made this clear multiple times but you ignore it, because it kills your fantasy.

Yeah theyre not that long. Maybe you think theyre long because you get headaches from reading more than 3 lines. You cant expect the whole world to cater to your disability.
LOL of course you call it a conspiracy. Its a proven fact, phonies have been outed hundreds of times, and you act just like one of them. Which

I cant believe theyre calling Donald Trump a jagoff…I hate when reporters pull their punches in order to seem fair to both sides. Its obvious Donald Trump is WAY worse than a jagoff.

Dont think for a second my awesome texting speed has anything to do with you, but i know you will because you love to pretend you matter to people.
Do you feel better now? Did you get your fix? One more day down that you get to pretend someone notices your existence and thus stop you from sticking your head in the

LOL man your sick. You reply to me then act like im bugging you. You started all of this and comment again and again and STILL act like ive got nothing better to do.

Yeah as usual, big words and phrases confuse you. Im trying to dumb it down but you may just be too dumb for even comment threads. Go back to books marked 0-6 and youll do just fine.