
At least youve fessed up to stalking. Youre slowly on the long road to recovery.

Ugh, are you trying to talk to me now? Did your meds kick in and the voices stop? Dont you have action figures or something you could pretend are alive and spare the rest of us?
No it annoyed me, which is more of a reaction than you garner, as it is an overall great show, and you are inconsequential and gross.

At the end I thought Chandler was gonna be like, "Welcome…to The Black Parade!"

Sure, keep pretending like your just a random creep who was just trolling old comments on an old story. Do you honestly think anyone believes you? Just because the voices in your head say they believe you, doesn't mean real people do.
You're a sad twisted stalker creep that'll just keep commenting because in your rare

hahaha….no. Though since they roasted a little kid, me and GoT have been friends off. =/

Im actually more interested in what happens on Veep then I am GoT this week.

Oh a hypocrite too? the poor baby couldnt take it so he flagged the comments when he got scared. Youre such a hero, I bet the imaginary people you hang with will give you a medal!
Youre lying. You went trolling for a 5 day old story and then just read ALL the comments? Thats not a coincidence, thats some lame troll who

LOL ooooh so as soon as you comment, im supposed to follow you around the internet and read all your posts? Did you buy your ego that big or did you build on it over time?

No, just you.

That sounds like an ominous and garbled foretelling from a crazy shaman.
You gonna explain yourself with ANY level of detail or fact, or just paint the walls in goats blood?

Hes right, it is kind of childish for fans to not realize the show has little to do with him and bug him about it.

LOL mr. wont comment just cant help himself. Its sad really how clearly you proved me right.
If youve only seen a few episodes then why do you keep talking about it like your some expert on it. Youve referenced arcs and character development like you watch it all the time, SOOO your either a liar OR a complete a total

Sure you think its misunderstanding, and that they just assumed I was wrong which is why they didnt reply back (way to be a creeper by the way), because that just aligns with your childish arguments being right. Enjoy the delusional world youve built for yourself!

Again you prove my point. THe violence in michael bay movies is completely different, good or bad, but clearly to YOU, violence is violence.
And again, you use the same childish argument, that if one show does something, the other shows should do it too, because in your world TV is TV and violence is violence.

Well youre definitely the student, and a bad one at that. Like, short bus, bad.
So far youve only shown the difference between an opinion and being wrong, cuz youre wrong. You have no idea the concepts youre talking about, your arguments are vague and childish, you repeat yourself, you ramble hoping to confuse anyone

I have to respond or else you might swallow that gun barrel because what else do you have in your life except vehemently defend game of thrones on comment threads?
Man your like a kid, are you 14? you must be. Theyre both media so theyre the same? Did you pull that from some essay you wrote for your 8th grade english

Not when theyre being an obnoxious, attention seeking, childish, troll, No, I dont.
But you keep thinking apostrophes make you special, whatever keeps the gun barrel out of your mouth.

If that were true then all violent films would get the same reviews, but they dont, because we dont all live in your world of simple-mindedness and lack of depth.

Well they do say ignorance is bliss, so you go have fun big guy, and dont forget your helmet.

LOL we both know Im not. Youll just keep sitting there posting vague threats, but following through on nothing because thats the only thing youre good at.