
God I honestly cant believe how stupid you are in that you literally have one childs idea of what violence is. "This has violence, so it makes it OK, that has violence so its cool!"
Its absolutely pathetic each time you ramble on the same vague, stupid excuse. Bram Stoker never burned had parents burn a kid alive,

LOL I love how you completely misunderstand what true fan means, *sigh* its like explaining big words to a little kid. "True" in this context is a synonym for "adult" not that we know more or love a show more than other fans.

Yeah I wasnt, but nice try lumping together two completely different scenarios like a kid who doesnt understand nuance or complexity OR the concept of different scenarios.

LOL sounds like a cute excuse youve been using for years. "You didnt fail theodore, those C's are for courageous…"

umm whose throwing a tantrum? Do you wanna pretend your important enough to convey that kind of emotion? Does it help you feel special? Cuz im sorry to burst your bubble but your not.

Theres a difference between an opinion and just being wrong, and in this instance, your wrong. The sooner you come to terms with that, the happier youll be.

Yeah, definitely autism…

Do you often quote to your victims, before you lower the bucket into their hole?

OH so the more horrible it is, the better it is? Yeah, thats not twisted…
Jesus, I should call the FBI tipline to go check your basement because im starting to worry there are bodies down there.

Well if you dont then I would consider that a serious problem as that level of detachment can be a sign of a serious mental ailment. There are tests you can take.

And youre making excuses because you are a baby who cant stand someone saying anything negative about his show. Stannis' role could have gone a hundred different ways and as showrunners they could have picked anything else, but by NO coincidence, they pick the sickest one because they seem to get high from it.

Thats not a guarantee yet. Fanboys like to pretend it is to bolster their argument but it doesnt make it so, AND the show has upped the violence in certain aspects to a sadistic level thats not even in the books. I still like the show, but each time they make it harder to defend them.
The difference is, the fanboys

I think you must have some kind of nervous tick, or maybe autism, IDK we'd have to get you looked at first.

LOL you wrote an abridged version. OMG now thats an ego.
Sister rape is detrimental, daughter burning is detrimental, making characters pedos just cause is detrimental, stabbing wombs is detrimental and every time the showrunners have to issue a statement trying to explain it is PROOF its detrimental.
Youre replying to

So you only find stuff interesting if its horrible huh? You know that make pills for that.

Its quite pathetic that anyone who doesnt think your funny is considered humorless in your sad, delusional mind.
I bet you also think that all girls that dont wanna date you are just lesbians.
New yorker cartoon written by an ant….hmmm yeah its official, you need psychological help. Please hurry.

oh man, its really pathetic and sad if at any point you actually thought you were being funny…

LOL you think way to highly of yourself to think im gonna read all that. Jeesh, check that ego, dude.

Again with the "well the books were violent so If the showrunners wanna rape a baby, let them" argument. Get over yourself with these damn pathetic excuses and just admit no matter what they do, your gonna lap it up like a loyal dog.

the books were overlong actually, so cant be a fanboy of something that was waaay too big and I love the shows cohesion with characters and roles, but I do respect Martin as a writer and so when the show IS over the top and stupidly violent, anyone with half a brain knows the difference between violence for the sake