
Oh god, so many slow people, not understanding things…-_-
the problem, if you could have paid any attention, isnt that its not in the books, its that what they are adding is above and beyond, over the top, stupidly violent, for no reason than they can.
And before you come back with garbage about how violence is in the

Well i guess i have to explain slower? Use smaller words? Visual aids maybe? because you dont get it.
Trying to translate a book is one thing and its expected, but adding things on top of it, that arent just character deaths, but over the top, stupid, uber violent character deaths, IS something that requires

All that was IN the book. You keep ignoring thats the problem, is extra added violence not in the book, being added just cuz they get off on it because theyve yet to give a good reason.

Thank you for proving my point.

Martin never stabbed a baby in the womb, jaime never raped his sister (and the excuse that they didnt think it was rape is BULL as they shot the damn thing) and its still in question if burning shireen ever even makes it into the next book.

Burning a kid alive isnt too extreme? WTF, are you in ISIS? Its only been adding extreme, over the top, shock you violence since season 3. Prior to that, the stuff they added was minimal and not so ridiculously violent.

None of that is an excuse for putting in stuff that for the most part isnt in the books.
Stuff thats just over the top. Violence can be helpful to the story, to devlop characters motives and intentions, but it can also be over-the-top, cartoony, or just turn people off. There IS a line between doing it well and doing

Martin is notorious for changing his mind, so until the book is out, he was just sharing with them what his draft was at the time, but its telling that out of ALL the stuff they cut out, that the thing they felt was "so horrible" was left in. They seem to enjoy doing that, and if not, they add their own.
Its like

your arguing in circles, all your doing is listing violent stuff from the books because you THINK that because the books have violent stuff the show can be violent too.
BUT all your doing is making my point because if the books are so violent, then WHY do the showrunners feel the need to add ADDITIONAL violence thats

Yeah Ive seen this, its pretty interesting, and in that he reiterates the same thing he did in the above interview, that you have to find the humor of it and he never has.

and people shouldnt use certain words just because they can, like a petulant child reminding us all which toys are his. Being an adult is more than doing what you want.

Chris Rock knows how to make it funny in context. But if youre going to attempt it, be damn sure its funny first.

She was like the mom of the entire 1980s. Such a bummer.

Why should he? There is no context where its appropriate for him to say it. Hes not Cornell West giving a lecture on the civil rights movement.

If you have nothing salient to say, then your just embarrassing yourself by simply making noise.

it IS pick and choose, absolutely. I love Scorsese films, but i might skip his next picture if it was called "Kiddie Rape Murder".
There is no point to what their adding. The books got on fine, and had violence in line with the era its based on, without this extra torture porn crap.

No one said to take out all the violence, but because nuance escapes you, you seem to think its either/or.
Its based on medieval times, so violence is to be expected, but theyre just adding stuff to, idk, be creeps. Just because its not real doesnt make it not gross or unsettling or completely unnecessary. Just like

Its been implied, but not confirmed at all, so lets not pretend theyre the same thing.

Thats only because the books are longer and have more oppurtunities for violence, but the books never burned a little girl alive, meryn was never a pedophile, a pregnant woman was never gored right in her stomach, and jaime never raped his sister. Violence to be expected given the time and setting of the books, but

So should he just blurt it out? Is that a joke? Because he just said he doesnt do jokes on stuff he cant, himself, make funny. Theres a difference between being funny and just being a d**k.