Sir Clownstick

If they're criticizing it for being "more of the same" then why did Gears 3 get a perfect score? More so, sequels that did even less than this game like Left 4 Dead 2 and Super Mario Galaxy 2 got perfect 10's also.

Gee, sure are allot of sheep around here. Tell me, where does the reviewer ever elaborate on what he says? Answer: Absolutely nowhere. The thing is, he never gave reasons or examples for his criticisms, he merely gave a short 5 paragraph summery, while every other review I've seen has taken up at least a full page or

I love how the AV Club tries to justify a 5 out of 10 with several paragraphs, while Eurogamer justified their 8 out of 10 with several pages. Could it be that this review is an absolute joke that should be disregarded? I mean, this is the Onion after all - maybe they've taken up complex video game satire as well,