Staykiller is right. The way both of the articles read, she noticed the extra fees on the papers she already had signed BEFORE she took the vehicle back.
Staykiller is right. The way both of the articles read, she noticed the extra fees on the papers she already had signed BEFORE she took the vehicle back.
Also when he and Tony Fast Jr. stole Sr.'s car and went street racing.
Yeah, the regular "cars" aren't nearly as cool as the Patty Wagon.
But that's still 9 more bags of sand than the Corvette would carry, so there's that.
"No one ever calls their car George or Dwight. It's always Melda or Betty-Jane...
Joey, you like movies about gladiators?"
Damn you.
But that ad is from 2 years ago, so that car has dissolved into powder by now.
Bad luck with some bad design and bad management mixed in.
If I remember correctly, the pitot tubes on AF447 were prone to heater circuit failures and could be susceptible to freezing. AF447 had not been updated. There were also questions of the pilots handling of the situation of errant airspeed indication.
Like all major air disasters there is not one single point that causes the crash but a "perfect storm" of circumstances. Yes, the 1"x17" piece of metal quite probably cut the tire on Flight 4590. But it was the inherent, and well known, design flaws of the aircraft which led to that tire exploding, not only rupturing…
If I remember my late 60's Chrysler history correctly, it was meant to sound like "torrid".
Wow. This thing immediately brings me back to the '80's . I was pumping gas at one of my first real jobs. We had a regular customer, maybe early 50's, who had one of these and would not let me open the filler door or take the cap off. He would get out of the car, take off his driving gloves (no joke) and open them.…
My favorite episode.