Hey! Don't those float?
Hey! Don't those float?
How the hell did I miss Calvin and Hobbes on the tuba yesterday?
He landed it on the ramp so technically it's good, right?
Came here for this. You did not disappoint.
Came here to post this. Thank you.
NASCAR is running mixed classes in the same race now? Cool.
Came here to post this exact comment.
That's because it zigged. Sometimes it is better to zag.
No. Why NOT.
We need to work on the aerodynamics, Lad!
I'm thinking it was done because you can see it through the vents and screens in the cover. Passable to the layperson and kids if the cover is not opened. Not to a Jalop, of course. I was giving him a +3 for effort.
Too bad the Stay Puft wheels didn't make it to production.
I don't need to get it titled.
I've created some shady motor mounts in my days, usually involving engines that were too big for the chassis they were going into and chains. But I have never, even in my most let's-just-hack-it-together-for-now-hand-me-another-scotch endeavor have I ever used...nay, never even thought of using...a turnbuckle attached…
That third video is a dream I didn't know I had.
Those stripes...
You're doing it wrong.
"The God damn Germans got nothin' to do with it!"
I wish I could have seen the run from a few different camera angles.
See! Every great once in a while (ok, every few decades or so) something good does come out of Massachusetts.
Runs, drives, and comes with battle scars. Plus, parts availability won't be an issue. They just won't be down the street at Pep Boys. What's not to love?
Plus, every mile that passes I'd be humming "I'm on patrol...I'm on patrol..."