Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.

Those are ingredients, not a recipe.

Feel free to point me to a recipe that you consider better, but all this store does is sell dips and fresh tortilla chips, I like my chances that its good.

I will fight you.

Ah, the old “my dick is turning into hamburger” bulge.

It is because so many dudes had syphilis and couldn’t take any movement there.


Freedom is exactly why they would stay, why leave your utopia to live as a second class citizen?

Question: when has the NRA released member lists to the public or law enforcement to verify their claims?

Are you aware that many gun makers will automatically enroll a gun owner in the NRA without the buyer even knowing? The NRA isn’t required to disclose member lists, so of course they aren’t going to volunteer the information that a member was involved in a mass shooting, because that would hurt the “brand”.

why would they want to emigrate?

-F, please cite sources.

This is a good take, unlike the original spicy article.

He’s not your guy, friend!

They represent gun makers, not owners.

Hey, we had to let someone else take gold this year, it’s rude to take more than 5 golds in a row.


He never specified what type of vegetarian they were.

Damn she fine, in an intimidating, scary sort of way.

Vegans are the ones that don’t eat any animal products, vegetarians eat fish, eggs, milk products.

Eh maybe he’s just like me and doesn’t think he can pull off the spiked look anymore. Short on the sides and longer on top doesn’t need to be the next toothbrush mustache.