Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.

are you me?

Turbos should keep it at essentially the same power, just less throttle response, no?

Most shovels are plug powered, if you aren’t moving much it’s infinitely easier to not need batteries than to have to deal with them.

Bullshit she’s my age, I’m as white as can be and I could still probably pass for her son...

He is the person that if you knew them would be getting a smack on the back of the head for saying annoying crap for sure. We get it, you are supposed to be “hip and cool, and also a fellow young person”, just shut up and let the famous person speak.

Tanner is the WOOOOOORST, he sometimes does expo panels and he is among the worst hosts I’ve seen.

Pretty much any game I watched ARG in WC14 it went “PASS TO MESSI AND... foul’d” people were constantly trying to break his ankles.

You can only carry a team so much.

Jesus, whoever made that highlight real needs to chain all the replays for each goal into one super-cut after the actual goal instead of cutting away to different plays and then showing the goal again. super distracting and hard to realize whether it’s a new goal or just a different angle.

Who tf cares where other people crap? Seriously how is this still a problem?


Man, I’m not really religious anymore (lightly agnostic I think, I don’t really know what exactly I believe in) but I still have good memories of the FotF radio shows/tapes. Really sick of the rest of their shit though, but my parents are still big fans.

That is amazing.

the rule is half of the older age plus 7.

I like how the cop is just saying “ok” so hero changes his tack and starts asking questions where an ‘ok’ would be an admission of guilt and just has to stand there and take his dressing down and think about what he’s done. The ‘ok’ was as way for him to just ignore what the dude was saying but once he shut up he had

Now playing

I mean the stars themselves are fairly woke, but this definitely could be cringy AF.

missed opportunity there.

Oh baby no, what makes the show great is that all these unlikable people are forced to deal with each other, that and the great soundtrack.

This is fucking horrifying, but best case scenario we now now a new hero’s origin story:

Haha that’s amazing and yet totally predictable :’D