Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again.

Donald Glover would also be acceptable.

A flood damaged electric car is something I wouldn’t even want to touch. There is a GREAT chance of an electrical fire/arcing while it is just starting to get submerged, and you better hope those batteries are drained before you try and start dismantling it, not to mention it is even more dependent on electronics than


24fps is slow enough that our subconscious will fill in the missing frames.

If you own the disk just download a torrent of it, you paid your money already. The smoking man has made a .mds file you can use with deamon to load it without the cd if you have installed it. At one point I owned 3 copies of bother bfme2 and the expansion, but thanks to siblings I just run it off of downloads.

This is clearly a “ours go to 11" dealio, with the optional evil side paint job. Oh, you have a BB-8? Cute, we went with the clearly superior BB-9's, they are much better at astromeching. Only the best for Slytheryn the First Order

I’m not even mad, it’s a solid song, and I’m not good enough at listening to pick out much of what he’s saying so it’s all good

Gale Banks would like a word

You are looking for the mazda5 my friend

I think the penalty was for the boop after the wipeout, they seemed to give it some gas after they had slowed down.

Damn son, I hope you made money on that prediction!

Do I know you?

Right? he looks like someone replaced all his bones with pumpkins.

I’ll agree to disagree and that one.

I’ll give her a pass on that one.

WTF is your problem?

WTF is your problem?

Well, and at least the third reich valued physical fitness...

As a filthy northern socialist (Canadian) I am sad for your economy, and at the same time excited for our dollar being worth what yours is. It takes a lot to blow that lead, but if anyone can do it, it’s this president by gum!

Edmonton? :D