Sir Gibler

@Philip Barnett: And you can go to to opt-out. Jesus is just trying to scare everyone.

@pierrebuz: Did you read? "Changing platforms is not an option, however, as Google and Android have exactly the same problem. In other words: Nowhere to run, baby."

@gizread: I haven't tried it yet. But 1) Your phone is jailbroken; that could be causing the "Unsuccessful Opt Out" and 2) This collection of data probably won't start until iAds actually goes live on the 1st. You probably cant opt-out the service until it's live.

@Cintax: Go to it from your iPhone

Anonymous and for ads. Therefore, I don't give a flying fuck. If this bugs you, then OPT-OUT! It's not that difficult a concept.

Lawl. There's no way this costs $150 to make.

@★DoYouLikeToastToo?: Depends on your definition of multitasking. Fast app switching is just what keeps the App in the same state when you open it after closing it.

@Canoehead: They'll probably want them to use the FaceTime standards. Who knows how it'll all play out.

@McMike: Nowhere. They removed it.

@McMike: They removed it.

So it makes typing almost impossible? Cool!

@Realityism: Read above. Apparently I shouldn't have gotten my gift card.

@Rusdude: That makes sense. They couldn't get the computer to delete the $50 from the final price so they just let me walk out with it.

@Realityism: I'll take that $50 gift card as a reward.

I went out and bought a Nook 3G + WiFi for my dad today as a belated-Father's Day gift at Best Buy. Not only was it only $200, but they also are throwing in a $50 Barnes and Noble E-Book gift card. Get 'em while they're hot kids. PS: I think it's hilarious that the Kindle DX is still $489...

@Tycho Vhargon: ... I'm guessing you don't have iOS4. It doesn't do it by default. The developer actually has to go in and enable app freezing.