
As a white feminist, I can't stop watching this Gif.

Ugh. Not cool. My mom works for a nursing home that falls under St. Someone or another. They offer comprehensive family planning coverage, but as a check box option on your insurance. So if you -want- birth control, you can get the coverage at an additional $5 a month. Seems like the most level headed way of doing

Tintin in the Congo was written 60 years ago. It's not an easy book to find, so it's not as though it's being thrust upon your daughters. Maybe keep to the modern era materials next time.

I need more Billam's Wheatdown in my life.

Willing to bet Willam dressed that one up for her.

great work but DON'T TACK ON YOUR SELF PROMOTIONS. I so hate that. Or excessive "thanks for watching" messages.

And my great grandfather was their lawyer in Vermont. YAY HISTORY

I also found Danthology to be better built this year. Earworm is too choppy

I remember that article!

We almost always see a movie after we open presents on Christmas. Thanks for working it! Although I'm sure we'd manage with our Netflix or BluRays if you weren't open too.

I think the irony is her Glee character hated dance practice

Let's be real here. I like wearing sexy things. My boyfriend likes to see me naked. I wear things that fit well on me. But I am obese. I am fat. I am not healthy, my body suffers for it, and I am totally able to fix it. But I don't. I'm 5'8", 260lbs for those wondering at home.

No it's ok. My haircut is LITERALLY my trademark. The silhouette is my logo. I have nightmares about people mimicking it and I have to shave their heads. One girl at my job had a similar but not as good cut and my friends asked me UNPROVOKED if they needed to shave her head.

Everyone needs to pull a Rosemary's Baby once in their lives... Minus Satan.

I once dated a kid named Matt Lawrence, and when I told my friend in a different school district she thought I meant the Brotherly Love kind, not the one for whom I was a willing beard...

I grew up with Oak Meadow School, a Montessori based curriculum. I would use them for my kids (if I had some).

Me too! sometimes I'll just pack some neutral foods to eat later in the morning.

I had a flight the morning after I had put away truck at my job. They pulled my bag from the belt and signaled me to follow.

Worcester has plenty of parks. I just took my bf to Green Hill Park the other day! Farm animals, playground, plenty of grass to run on, I'm not sure what's wrong here. My sister was born at St. Vincent's and it's one of the nicest hospitals I've been in. We went to music school at the Unitarian Church in the center of

And while we're at it, can we discuss Queen Elizabeth? She thinks she can just take over the world EVERY DAMN GAME.