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    Pulled into my parents driveway after moving back from a year in Colorado. Parked my new VW MK4 GTI GLX (Tropic Orange) in the driveway because pops tells me mulch guy is coming and I can’t pull in the garage.

    no one wants to talk about All-Weather tires?  Seems like the answer to this argument

    Gonna say I enjoy Lifehacker and 2 cents. I also use Project Fi. I’m paying for every byte. Those ads cost me money to view. Now pay my service provider’s fee to deliver those bytes to me, then we can talk, but when I’m literally paying for every fucking 0 and 1, ads are staying blocked

    From the company’s website(my bolding):

    I hate these stories. Some poor person is going to be caught, and the prosecutor is going to continually state he or she stole $80,000 of speed camera.

    Detailers know better than me, but since birds don’t have teeth, they swallow stones to help grind up the food they eat. These stones are in their gizzards. And sometimes come out in their poop. Would a detailer recommend wiping mud off a car? Even if it is acidic?

    I don’t know if you can confidently put the Meat is Murder camp in the left.... but I will tell you that any true environmentalists on the left or right, must thank every hunter who helps to manage wildlife. I’m on the East Coast in top population density area without any top level predators. Want to keep our forests

    look up Christini AWD Motorcycles. They employ a user-controlled clutch to deliver power to the front wheel. Some of the videos online makes you wonder why anyone would use a rear drive only motorcycle for these Hare Scrambles, unless of course, the purpose of the Hare Scramble is to make you nuts.

    Lived in Summit county for a ski season with my 85 vw golf. I can’t tell you the number of SUVs and Subarus littering the median in a snow storm. My sister just moved to the springs and was seriously considering buying a Toyota Sienna, because of the AWD. I calmly reminded her that AWD makes going easier, but all cars

    Hmmmm. I’m a Z4 M Coupe owner and a member of PCA. Been to many track days with PCA and the car hangs really well with many of the P cars there. The Z4 understeers quite a bit from factory. But buy some camber bolts and Turner’s “Special” Spacers and the car becomes pretty neutral when you add negative camber and

    Jim.... are you telling me the only way to occupy two seats is with two people? You think that older son has to show up for the seat to be used? You’re telling me I can’t buy two seats in case I’m 700lbs? I can’t buy a whole row of seats and expect to have the entire row for myself?

    even in your Joe Bob and Jimmy Joe scenario (#1), it still doesn’t make sense. Like you state, you cannot get to the boarding area without being ticketed. And since there is no law requiring a picture ID for travelling (seriously. There is no law requiring a picture ID for domestic travel), Joe Bob and Jimmy Joe could

    I’m no lawyer, but I believe you’re right. The man violated the terms of his contract. But Judges usually side with the party that didn’t create the contract in contract disputes. Even if the Judge sides with United on the contract dispute, tell me what contracts can I violate that results in my person being assaulted

    I once streaked a bar while in college. I figured a running nude person would draw a lot of attention, so I walked like I was a bar patron wearing a light colored shirt and pants. I got about halfway through before anyone noticed at all.

    Just trying to understand. She stole someone’s SSN. Assume she was working, and taxes were being automatically withdrawn from her paycheck... she would be paying into the system, like many here have suggested. But for the person who’s SSN she took, doesn’t the IRS now bump that person into a different tax bracket,

    Hi Alanis,

    Clearly they are trying to make it look masculine. I mean, the white part on the grill looks like a pair of underwear they used to sell in tubes. Or maybe a speedo for some weird high school swim team, complete with the ball bulge.

    In college, I worked at a local bicycle store on Univ of Penn’s campus. Our theft protection system was hooked up to a solenoid on the door, so as a theif would walk throught the sensors, the alarm would go off. But as these sensors were on either side of the doors leading outside, most people would just speed up

    after I was hit from the right side by a car making a left, I remember sliding on the pavement looking at my ZX11 that was also on it’s side and sliding and thinking “why is my bike accelerating? It’s on it’s side.” Moments before it slid under a car that was about to run me over. It had the perfect momentum and