
Its basically carrot and sticks. They introduce the character in a light hearted happy environment for you to get the know the character first, because only then, when the shit hit the fan, you will notice how it affect the characters and how the change and developed along the story.

Empty promise, right at the start of the year he apologise for the lack of reviews and promised 2 review per months. Plan which was immediately broken, then disappear for months only to make a video saying he is on holiday and wont make any review video till august/September.

Its everything except deep story based RPG

Now playing

yes what you said is technically true(who know when that will change with gillie suite or some shit). The developer would need to create incentive to make people buy it? how? by limiting free content, that mean no free cloths update and make you looks like a scrub compare to paid user. Just look at every other

Switch selling 4.7 million is great number, but i wonder if really great consider it cannibalised the massive popular hand-held market dominated by Nintendo. anyhow i am happy for Nintendo despite some of their questionable decision regarding the switch. Let keep the rivalry going and no one drop out of the big three

“Not pay to win, purely cosmetic and in order to help support an event” That is bullshit from developer to justify micro-transaction.

So you have to buy key to open crate earned in game CSGO style? f*ck that, just make crate a rare free drop and a micro-transaction items that you can just buy and open without a shitty key. Hopefully every item is able to get in game, and dont have DLC guns/attachment or shit like camo

pretty sure it budget will be no where close to GoT

Is the NAND shortage only for the 32 gig version?surely its for all size

Japanese TV Adaptation is just as terrible imo, they have terrible cgi and acting


Cant wait for another great anime adaptation! said no one ever

Are you Korean or personal experience? my experience from Uni is Korean is arrogant like “we are the best asian” kind of feel

why do you think vandalising will be a problem? Its Japan, so i don’t think its going to happen but even here in UK, it rarely happen, at-least close to where i live

It look good but when you analyse it, all it did is show the haircut and it has been photoshop to hell(look at the single strangs of hair

Stocks is not a big problem here in UK, Amazon is sold out but if you look around online, you can always find one. my supermarkets got plenty in stocks too. sucks to be Japan

and this why scalper exist, i rather wait another month or two than letting them profiting from this, that and i am just cheap, no way i am paying a premium from standard rrp

This just show what Nintendo games could have looks like if they develope their game on a powerful console

Not a gun expert at all. but wont that girl’s finger burn like that?

lol dam you got me. didnt see it in the first time. probably because i tuned it out base on the screensot