
A moose once bit my sister.

Chrysler PT Cruiser. Great idea, fun design, lots of cool features. Poor engineering, terrible build quality, and carryover transmission failures from the late 90s Caravans. Ask me how I know about that last bit.

Surprise! Piece of shit “truck” continues to be piece of shit.

“...No one is dying under my watch - period.”


Need more details about the fictitious tags charge...🤔

Robber barons

I have a better idea. Make them clean it up. Not just pay to have it cleaned up, but let’s actually see the millionaires and billionaires out on the beach getting filthy. If it takes, let’s say 90 days to clean up a given mess, I want to see the cause of that mess on the beach for 90 days.

Can I get her number? I've got one in my garage I want to get rid of.

They'll be rescuing a Cybertruck from that place soon, if they haven't already.

I see drivers with dogs on their laps on a multiple times a day basis. I SOOOO want to slap them upside the head. 


Maybe if the CT wasn't a rancid piece of shite...

Don't bet on it. 

Fuckwit wrecked it before he got there.


Where I live (semi-rural Ohio) the bro dozers are everywhere. As my late BiL used to say “Nice truck, sorry about your penis.”

Unarmed person of color 

Also very interesting from Mr. Mould is the series of videos about chain fountains.

$160k is not nearly enough to prevent this from happening again.