Sinyee Tan

Where's my fanfiction of all the little moments between Fara and Max behind the scenes?? Little snippets/oneshots of Fara silently stressing over her job and Max giving her mental and moral support. Or how just before the attack, Max finally gets the nerve to ask her out to lunch. And how she smiled and said yes but

I wondered why the birds all suddenly stopped singing…

Cary in that ruffled blue suit at the end with that unshaven face? JEEZ. Don't. Ever. Stop.

God, I was totally unsympathetic with Korra for almost the entire duration of the series up until the last five minutes where, for some reason, Brian and Mike got me bawling my eyes out over her. She's definitely been traumatized, where all three of the enemies she's had to face have said that her defined role in

If Rachel gets a whole no-one-gives-a-shit romance plot re: consequences of her cheating, instead of actually working with Harvey on cases and building herself up as a badass lawyer I will be 200% done with this show.

I imagine Cary and Diane finally working together as equal partners with Alicia as States Attorney and my heart wants to explode. JUST LET IT BE SEPTEMBER ALREADY PLEASE.

I was brought to tears by the frustration that is Chris Messina. He loves Mindy so much OH MY GOD HE LOVES HER SO MUCH?? So much so that every moment they weren't together put me on the verge of tears.

Morgan continues to be the funniest person on that show. Everything he does is out of untainted loyal and unconditional love for Mindy and the rest of the practice. It probably stems from the fact that she got him from being an unemployed and on parole ex-con to a well respected nurse.

I agree; I love the roles that Peter plays on the show now. So much more depth than just being the douche frat man in the practice and his chemistry with the rest of the cast is great

I like Gold's "fundamentals of magic" statement as it was so offhand and ridiculous when the only rule that's ever been uttered on the show is "all magic has a price" (which can literally mean anything).

Ladies ruling the corporate world all the way. Although seeing as how women still haven't broken much of the glass ceiling today, can't see how people back in the 60s can do it.

Danny's puppy eyes when he looked for Mindy to talk to killed me. Every. Single. Time . LET THEM BE TOGETHER PLEASE. IT'S TOO PAINFUL

This was addressed earlier in other episodes where she said she wanted to make a separate name for herself outside her father/family. It wouldn't make sense to do that using the money that her dad make to "make it out on her own." It was the same reason that she didn't associate herself with the name Zane as a

I feel like I'm one of the few people that root for Louis over people like Mike and Dana. He's so strong yet so vulnerable and you can tell just how much he wants to be respected and part of the group and yet never succeeding. And I want him to succeed so much. I ROOT FOR YOU LOUIS LITT- YOU ARE A GREAT MOBY DICK.

ELSBETH!! Honestly, she deserves the world and more. I'm surprised she and Alicia haven't teamed up more.

A naked Matt Czuchry? Yes.

Although I understand the emotional trauma that Mike had with the lawyer, I thought that his emotional blowback was completely over the top and even unrealistic. Isn't he smart enough to know the facts before making a judgement especially targeting someone so maliciously? He puts himself in such a high pedestal and

April should take over for Leslie. She has the toughness needed to crack such a crazy town like Pawnee while still not fully cutting the thread between the Parks Dept and Leslie. Then she'll be able to know that the city's in good hands!