But you can write some shitty words and call it a comment.
But you can write some shitty words and call it a comment.
So, in other words, this guy wants to put his semen over black women. So, he has to represent his fetish in his “art”. Yeah. We pretty much see past you dude. Thanks for your contribution to the art community. We are all terribly fucking impressed. Golf clap. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.
“We think you’re shittier than Florida” is about the strongest burn I’ve ever heard of.
I translated your article back to men-glish so that 4Chan and Trump voters may enjoy it, too.
The Supreme Court once ruled that blacks could not hold citizenship and that racial discrimination did not violate the Constitution. It once ruled that restrictions on campaign donations were an infringement on the right to free speech. It upheld the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. It ruled that states…
It’s cute how you assume we own property.
The comments in under the video point out that those are black CPR gloves. (I am not defending the police BTW. It seems like homicide to me.)
Those look like black rubber gloves. You can see one officer starting to put gloves on.
I’ve added it. I’ve also heard that the “gun” shown in this pic (that was widely distributed to make the victim look guilty) might be a glove dropped by a cop.
an item was dropped to the ground but it appeared to be black medical gloves.
Lunatic attributions? Motherfucker, what election have you been watching? Dude encouraged his supporters to beat people up. He’s pledged to overturn gay marriage. He wants to deport american citizens. These are things he himself has said. Well documented things. I’m not even talking new stuff like bringing back stop…
And all the gay people and minorities whose rights will be savagely and in some cases violently curtailed are less important than settling a score with a women who has more money nwo than you will earn in your entire life and has already achieved more than you ever could?
Milo is white supremacist and a self-loathing homophobe. He is a piece of shit who was banned from Twitter for sending a horde of racists at Leslie.
Am I the only one who thinks that virulent shit talking should be relegated to exclusively amongst friends and not in the public eye?
More than kind of, but: I think the piece makes the context pretty clear, if accurately reported. Pie was thrown. Then words were spoken. Then Johnson started throwing punches. For the most part neither getting pied nor getting verbally assaulted are considered justifications for starting a fist-fight, and if the…
they have like
That’s clearly Digimon.
Act superior if you want, but as someone who doesn't know who Billy Bush is, I feel like the real winner here.