
How does she fly with those giant brass... ovaries?

This was my first thought as well.

more reasons to not live in NYC

Now playing

Tesla: “Autopilot is not a self-driving technology, it’s your fault if you die”

Because compared to a 911 the resale value will go down faster than a cheap hooker at a Naval shipyard.

Looks better, sounds better, probably as fast in real life, rear seats, a manual transmission, etc.

I know right? Let the peasants drive this. I’ll stick with an R8 V10 Quattro Thank you.

I just bought an 08 Buell Blast with 1100 on the odo for $1100 for example.

As someone else said, it’s a pretty good price for a nearly new scooter.

The chase trifecta is awesome will try the delta trick next time

The chase trifecta is awesome will try the delta trick next time

I will see your racism and raise you, ive seen this this behavior more and more now and its almost always some white person on their cellphone or looking simply clueless like “how did this road appear here?”

Reluctant CP here. It is too expensive for starters, the high mileage indicates future Volvo reliability problems, and the body is in pretty bad shape. This example has been hit a few times. So sad CP here because I like the V70R.
But I predict an NP win, and in the San Francisco Bay market it will sell fast due to the

Wow, so much racism here. As a Caucasian male, I can say that white people do a lot of shitty driving too. I frequently see people of ALL races and ages moving from the farthest lane on the left to the farthest lane on the right, cutting off a few cars and almost hitting a median to boot, to get where they are trying

^This. You people are impossible to please.

And a rear facing 3rd seat so the kids can get the old school wagon experience.

CP<<==V==|=====>> NP

Pictured: Volvo R owner’s wallet

Such a NP its already sold.

Meh. Get a Porsche (Porsh-ah) instead.

Every now and then I think of driving a motorcycle, and then I read things like “I almost died because I was leaning slightly too far back when I accelerated”