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    It’s as if the dealerships WANT Carvana and Shift to succeed. 

    I’m going to sound like a total n00b, but i thought the rumble strips noise was Randy farting, the first time around...

    It’s always the BMW driver, or Charger, ain’t it? Especially on the 105.

    I was in a bind to stock up on a brand of highly concentrated, aged, Vietnamese fish sauce that was being discontinued. Having secured said fish sauce, I left the case in the trunk and drove around for weeks. Apparently several bottles cracked before I parked the car in the LA sun over the weekend. When I got back

    Agreed. So much disappointment. Constantly rickrolled by mediocre product that requires rowing.

    I really loved our Bolt, and am seriously considered a CPO one since there’s ZERO % financing even on a used car cause US car makers are crazy. It was such a great vehicle; I still don’t understand why they couldn’t market it as a mass solution like the Prius did.

    I’d Patreon $1/week just to never read another Jeep purchasing/sales/inevitable-repair/road trip/rock climb story on Jalop ever again.

    I just saw a local ad for a ‘06 w/ 30K mi, with a tear in the softtop and a repainted fender. Asking: $35.5 US dollars. lololol.

    Honestly if anyone is going to be more likely to put a manual in a small and (reasonably) fun car, it’s going to be Mazda.”

    Wouldn’t it have made more sense if they ran the estate ver of the earlier version of the w212 wagon? That’s RWD instead of awd? Less weight, just as much hp, longer range, better mpg?

    Had a 10AE, blew a water seal, gave it to a fellow rotary-head with a home/driveway/workshop 10+ years ago, still miss it. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

    OMFG I’m from Cerritos and I never knew there was a “hero rock” here! thanks jalops.

    back when super autobacs actually had business, when there was even a super autobacs.


    So, this Cali importer was NOT planning on selling these to California? The mystery deepens. I would LOVE a diesel Land Cruisers though...

    Some poor, new college grad turned mechanic is so losing his/her job...

    yah but NCs are so damned ugly.

    Erina or Mari Kondo, which Japanese woman brings more OCD/organizational/cleanininess nightmare to my dreams?

    This reeks of helicopter journalism. Shanghai is a tier-1 city with enormous wealth and Western influence. Go to tier-3 cities like Lijiang or Anshan and see how many Caddies/Jeep you’d find on any given day. It won’t be 1:10.

    Exactly this. Why the hell would anyone run a auto publishing co. out of Manhattan? Like, seriously? -signed, ex Queens dweller.