
German born and raised, been living here in the US for the past 26 years now. Even share a first name with the dude (yep, Andreas, like the fault - never get tired of spelling that for people on the phone...). And I think you’re on to something with the cultural difference. Germans are used to their Behörden and Ämter

15 year rule in Canada - wouldn’t be legal until 2030. Mexico would be easier.

Theoretically, if you never title/register it for use on public roads, and you never drive it on public roads, there should be no issue. Like all of the weird race cars that come in from other countries and never get registered because they’re only ever trailered to and from the track.

And when it isn’t?

My fat ass 300lb brother who drives semis every day would laugh at this vaporware(Only time he goes 0-60 in five seconds is to the shitter in the morning). IF this becomes reality, it’ll be good for long-haul. But this fancy pants shit won’t fly for loggers, local delivery guys, etc...

As a driver, I’m not immediately sold.

Yup, that’s there be a Mazda 3. STICK, too.

You are not crazy... I said the same thing

You forgot he’s black. That means if he gets out of his car pulled over after going that speeds, 9/10 that dude’s getting shot. ‘Murica.

When asked how much he’d had to drink, the report said Pope told the officer “not much.”

WTF your plate expiration is based on your birthday? That’s like requiring homeowner’s insurance to drive your car. Completely arbitrary. #Logic

This is PROGRESS, America! Kudos! He wasn’t shot and killed!

...and he was not shot... not even a little... this should mean something, and is worth of some deepening.

probably, from what I gather Georgia is a state where you can get a temporary paper plate


Not that I condone running from cops - but at that point, I would assume he’s not catching up so why pull over so abruptly just to get arrested?

“inadequate labeling of potentially hazardous substances”

Yes, but the Fiesta is hardly “American”. It was designed in Dunton, England, and Cologne, Germany. Besides, the new Fiesta may not even come here. Ford Europe has always been a somewhat independent entity so to say that Europe buys American cars is a misnomer as well.

Why swerve away from the moose when you can just run it over and be assured that you’ll survive while the moose disintegrates to bits.