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    Most of Taipei (Taiwan) taxis are those Toyota Camry wagons. They made my wagon boner constantly hard.

    This is nutty. Sat next to an VW emissions engineer (who drove in on a SQ7 TDI) at a rando bar in LA Friday afternoon and he was casually telling me about this exact “dyno mode” emissions hack, and voila. Any way, his pro buying tip: 2018 TDI will pass smog with DEF injection, making buy-backed ‘15 Q7 TDIs nearly

    not sure if there’s any other kind but a secret vasectomy.

    can someone tell me why there’s a tankless in-bathroom water heater in an LA apartment?

    I’d like to see you wipe your kid’s snot while driving a stick shift. This tiny lil Ford Focus doesn’t baby at all. What if you have twins? That dinky lil trunk ain’t gonna hold a twin stroller.

    cause Thiel.

    ugh. this sounds like a pile of fart and way worse than my old 997 carrera S.

    i know the original Topgun scene was copypastad but.. i’m sorry, i just watched TG last night, and it’s still way cooler than this setup

    my friend (dad-of-3-maybe-more-coming) is desperately looking forward to that ‘17 Ody. He’s gonna be excited to see these pics.

    my first car was a (Plymouth) colt, even older than this Vista. but man, I didn’t drive it very hard and the tranny still blew the F out. These things were total POS.

    The S2K is really one of the most perfect cars for Tuna. Light, good brakes, #topdown. Just don’t bring the gf cuz she always made me pull over half way threatening to puke over the mountain.

    the state that licensed you failed you. Welkomme to the Republik.

    Lies. Mazda5 is/was the prettiest minivan ever. Source: I owned one. the only microvan I’ve ever owned.

    So, basically a Mazda5 powered by hybrid drivedrain. Do want.

    reason #99 I’m never moving out of the city.

    this makes me SO proud of my peoples (Taiwanese).

    thanks for this. made my day. need to be more Kimi, less Lewis IRL.

    It appears this gentleman just really does not like to pay attention while driving. That’s twice in 3MO. #toosoon ?

    i like this take as well. can’t wait til 2018.

    thank you for this. the wifey was standing in her panties in front of me before bed time and I was like: sorry, I have to finish watching this sphincter tightening duo biopic, cause jalops.